Mistwinter Bay

Mistwinter Bay

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About having other couples
I am a massive fan of being able to matchmake in VNs to where I will make entire mods for it to be possible if it is not already... But the fact that being able to do that in this game is (seemingly?) only possible through one specific event (may or may not be repeatable???) makes me sad. I only got one couple in my first playthrough, and the fact that the number of couples got counted at the end tells me I could have had more.

(The reason I say it 'may or may not' be repeatable is that I did get one OTHER event twice, it was the one where the Sovereign's horse died, it died once at the start of my reign and then again towards the end, so I can only assume it was either a bug or some events are intentionally repeatable)

I would like to put out into the universe/to the devs that maybe we should get more chances to matchmake, please and thank you ;-;
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Swordlake Entertainment  [developer] 14 Jan @ 8:26am 
We hear you! We suspected that some players might want another type of "free reins"-event when pairing up townsfolk, which is why it's one of the branching options in a long main event that we'll add in a future update. It's also pretty likely that we'll add a branching path like that in a future short main event too. Although, both of those events will (probably) have some more options involved in the process than simply picking two characters and see if it works (meaning it'll be a slightly higher risk that they don't hit it off).

There are already a few other ways that make it possible to pair up townsfolk in the game at the moment. However, none of them are such "free reins"-events, but are instead connected to specific characters. There are a few townsfolk meetups (4, if I remember correctly) that allows for specific couples to me made. There is also a personal quest that allows you to pair a specific character up with another character who meets a requirement. Then there's a negative reputation event as well (but there's no guarantee that that couple will last).

And yes, events are only supposed to occur once. Don't know why the horse-event showed up twice for you. We looked at the code, and it seems like everything is in order with the event-logic. Perhaps you reloaded a save at some point which brought you back to before you completed the horse-event the first time and you forgot about it? Other than that, we don't know what might be the problem, as it's the first time we've heard of repeated events. If you have any idea, let us know and we'll try to fix it!
Originally posted by Swordlake Entertainment:
We hear you! We suspected that some players might want another type of "free reins"-event when pairing up townsfolk, which is why it's one of the branching options in a long main event that we'll add in a future update. It's also pretty likely that we'll add a branching path like that in a future short main event too. Although, both of those events will (probably) have some more options involved in the process than simply picking two characters and see if it works (meaning it'll be a slightly higher risk that they don't hit it off).

There are already a few other ways that make it possible to pair up townsfolk in the game at the moment. However, none of them are such "free reins"-events, but are instead connected to specific characters. There are a few townsfolk meetups (4, if I remember correctly) that allows for specific couples to me made. There is also a personal quest that allows you to pair a specific character up with another character who meets a requirement. Then there's a negative reputation event as well (but there's no guarantee that that couple will last).

And yes, events are only supposed to occur once. Don't know why the horse-event showed up twice for you. We looked at the code, and it seems like everything is in order with the event-logic. Perhaps you reloaded a save at some point which brought you back to before you completed the horse-event the first time and you forgot about it? Other than that, we don't know what might be the problem, as it's the first time we've heard of repeated events. If you have any idea, let us know and we'll try to fix it!

Oooh okay thanks!!! Thanks for the fast reply lol; I kinda wanna ask for a guide (in the future, ofc) on which specific couples have meetups to match up but I totally understand if you'd rather have people discover it on their own

On the topic of how the horse event happened twice... I am not sure I could have reloaded a save because it was the first event I got (I distinctly remember, because I said out loud to myself, "Wow, first month after being Sovereign and MY HORSE DIED?! And I can't afford either of the replacements? Heck, guess I'm taking the ugly one") and I made a point to only make saves during events that could end in someone dying, or right before closing my game, so I very much doubt that's the case... I mean, I did make absolutely sure to not make people angry my first playthrough (I am such a people pleaser I can't stand even hurting fictional characters' feelings), so maybe because of the lack of available low-reputation events to play the game just kinda went "screw it" and threw the horse-dying event at me again? I dunno, as a fellow game dev that logic's kinda iffy to me, too, though. Another (more likely with my memory problems, ngl) possibility is that I actually forgot to save after the horse dying the first time, but I quit so soon after seeing it that it didn't register in my mind that I had done so when I went to play again. I, however, also don't know if I buy that, because I also got the free-reins couple matching event near-immediately after the game started, and I remember being SO MAD because I had yet to unlock any villagers except the first 3 (which is why i felt the need to make this thread after finishing the game once, haha...)
Swordlake Entertainment  [developer] 14 Jan @ 10:36am 
We know that it might be tricky to get the meetups that allow you to pair up townsfolk (especially now that there are so many meetups, 32 in total), so we might as well reveal which ones they are (feel free to look or wait until you need the information): Alm and Sebastian, Birgit and Lynx, Kieran and Neferu and Laith and Moira. Although, there's no guarantee that all of those couples will last.

The repeated event sure is odd. By the sounds of it, reloading wasn't the issue. It shouldn't be a lack of events either (we have made enough events without requirements to prevent that), and even if that were the case, it's more likely that the game would crash than repeat an event. We can't really replicate this at this moment, so we'll put it on the back burner and see if someone else encounters something similar and we'll hopefully be able to fix it in the future. Thanks for the help!
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