Mistwinter Bay

Mistwinter Bay

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Rixxy 11 Dec, 2024 @ 8:27am
Bug - Utrian Personal Quest - Yscor Negotiations

The sad moments of a permanent-saver, it seems my game has run into an issue. I had come up short for the cash needed to procure the wood relationship with Yscor originally, and failed the quest (To my dismay!). But now, the quest continues to cycle and bring me back to Yscor again and again for the discussion... I'm going to try to see what happens if I accept the deal now that I've already failed the quest, but figured this was a bug either way and worth reporting!
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Rixxy 11 Dec, 2024 @ 8:30am 
It seems I am now both allied with Utria, and Orreg is uninterested in me! Sadly, this probably means my file is broken, but it was a fun run whilst it lasted.
Swordlake Entertainment  [developer] 11 Dec, 2024 @ 8:42am 
That is a strange bug! Sorry for the inconvenience and even more sorry that it ruined a permanent run! We'll look into it as soon as possible and hopefully have a fix out in the next update (which might be out sometime in January, if we don't make a smaller one first)
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