ServiceIT: You can do IT

ServiceIT: You can do IT

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Muaddib  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 5:25am
If you find a bug, the game doesn't work for you, or have a problem of any sort while playing THIS is the PLACE to write it down. We will answer as soon as possible.

REMEMBER IT'S AN EARLY ACCESS. We know that there can be some bugs, and optimization issues. We are here to work with you players and fix, improve, update, and add a lot of new content.
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Showing 1-15 of 557 comments
The Knight Argent 3 Mar, 2024 @ 12:10pm 
Heya! Fun game so far, but I can't do the WiFi training on my ultrawide monitor because the devices on the bottom of the chart are off the bottom of my screen.
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 12:36pm 
Hi, thank you for the information
It will be fixed in today's update (probably at night Polish time) :)
Dcime 3 Mar, 2024 @ 2:15pm 
The checkboxes for "reset password after login" and so on are barely visible on my screen. Also had a bug after duing the soldering work, where i couldnt pick up the RFID reader after I was finished. I also couldnt reopen it.
Also when carrying the garbage from the "soldering room" its too close to the camera so I cant see anything. Its also almost impossible to go through the door while holding it. I only made it through the door by walking backwards.
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 2:20pm 
Hi, we will look into it, thank you for the information

Did you make a save during the rfid mission? And was the documentation on the workbench visible?
Medley Of Games 3 Mar, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
Hello, I was just recording my first episode for your game for my channel, and ran into a bug doing the RFID turorial. There was not a new part I could pick up and replace on the side table? And it doesn't let me just skip this mission, it keeps me stuck in a loop until I finish it I guess? Please give us the ability to skip a mission if we don't understand or if theres a bug in it.
Dcime 3 Mar, 2024 @ 3:46pm 
Originally posted by Michau:
Hi, we will look into it, thank you for the information

Did you make a save during the rfid mission? And was the documentation on the workbench visible?
I saved after the bug appeared to check if a reload would fix it, but it didnt. The documentation wasnt there after i put the RFID reader back together (I dont know if it was there before). After the reload the RFID Icon was on the plastic housing again but i couldnt click on it.
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:10pm 
Originally posted by Medley Of Games:
Hello, I was just recording my first episode for your game for my channel, and ran into a bug doing the RFID turorial. There was not a new part I could pick up and replace on the side table? And it doesn't let me just skip this mission, it keeps me stuck in a loop until I finish it I guess? Please give us the ability to skip a mission if we don't understand or if theres a bug in it.
Hello, I have tried to reproduce this bug but have not been able to
Did this crate appear on your support table? If so, were there elements visible in it? Or was there a number visible in the label, e.g. x20

Have you tried using the reset tutorial? Or would it be possible for you to send me the game save?

The save is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\SymulatorIT\Saved\SaveGame\GameSave.sav

If Steam won't let you send a file, feel free to send it to me at or Discord: _michau

The option to skip a course or mission will be added

Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:11pm 
Originally posted by Dcime:
Originally posted by Michau:
Hi, we will look into it, thank you for the information

Did you make a save during the rfid mission? And was the documentation on the workbench visible?
I saved after the bug appeared to check if a reload would fix it, but it didnt. The documentation wasnt there after i put the RFID reader back together (I dont know if it was there before). After the reload the RFID Icon was on the plastic housing again but i couldnt click on it.
Thank you for the clarification, if it is not a problem I would also ask for your game save
Medley Of Games 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:24pm 
Originally posted by Michau:
Originally posted by Medley Of Games:
Hello, I was just recording my first episode for your game for my channel, and ran into a bug doing the RFID turorial. There was not a new part I could pick up and replace on the side table? And it doesn't let me just skip this mission, it keeps me stuck in a loop until I finish it I guess? Please give us the ability to skip a mission if we don't understand or if theres a bug in it.
Hello, I have tried to reproduce this bug but have not been able to
Did this crate appear on your support table? If so, were there elements visible in it? Or was there a number visible in the label, e.g. x20

Have you tried using the reset tutorial? Or would it be possible for you to send me the game save?

The save is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\SymulatorIT\Saved\SaveGame\GameSave.sav

If Steam won't let you send a file, feel free to send it to me at or Discord: _michau

The option to skip a course or mission will be added

Yes I did try the 'reset tutorial' and still had the same problem, no window popped up on the side table to let me pick the replacement part. I will try it again later as I got very frustrated with it! Thank you for adding in the future the ability to skip something we are stuck on, that will help!
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by Medley Of Games:
Originally posted by Michau:
Hello, I have tried to reproduce this bug but have not been able to
Did this crate appear on your support table? If so, were there elements visible in it? Or was there a number visible in the label, e.g. x20

Have you tried using the reset tutorial? Or would it be possible for you to send me the game save?

The save is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\SymulatorIT\Saved\SaveGame\GameSave.sav

If Steam won't let you send a file, feel free to send it to me at or Discord: _michau

The option to skip a course or mission will be added

Yes I did try the 'reset tutorial' and still had the same problem, no window popped up on the side table to let me pick the replacement part. I will try it again later as I got very frustrated with it! Thank you for adding in the future the ability to skip something we are stuck on, that will help!
Thanks, I wanted to ask one more thing, did you try to take the replacement part after removing the broken one? After desoldering and removing the broken part, the option to take replacement parts from the crate appears
Medley Of Games 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:36pm 
Originally posted by Michau:
Originally posted by Medley Of Games:
Yes I did try the 'reset tutorial' and still had the same problem, no window popped up on the side table to let me pick the replacement part. I will try it again later as I got very frustrated with it! Thank you for adding in the future the ability to skip something we are stuck on, that will help!
Thanks, I wanted to ask one more thing, did you try to take the replacement part after removing the broken one? After desoldering and removing the broken part, the option to take replacement parts from the crate appears
OH I missed removing the broken part I bet, but I didn't see any part highlight to take out? I'll look at it again. It may not be a bug just my ability to follow directions lol. But does the broken part highlight so it's easy to see? And no worries I won't post a bad video for you, I think you have a good game going here, just maybe needs some better instruction in the tutorials, like really dumb it down for some players like me lol. I'm not a mechanic or IT person so any help is appreciated!
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 4:41pm 
I have just sat down to improve the tutorial in a few hours will be improved :)
Medley Of Games 3 Mar, 2024 @ 5:52pm 
Originally posted by Michau:
I have just sat down to improve the tutorial in a few hours will be improved :)
Dude you are awesome! Honestly I really appreciate you listening and I have done a 180 on your game now. I was very frustrated, so tomorrow I will record a new episode, and tell my community how you listened and really want to improve your game! Thank you!
Michau  [developer] 3 Mar, 2024 @ 5:58pm 
Thank you for kind words!
mogeo_games 4 Mar, 2024 @ 3:47am 
A couple of possible issues found

- Items do not appear to stay in drawers after a reload
- Items fall through shelf, is there limit?
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