ServiceIT: You can do IT

ServiceIT: You can do IT

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Maybe a bug?
Alright, so I did the Ethernet Board (of the first 2 contracts),
but something got wrong (or it is scripted Event?) and I got complaint.
And the client sent the board back to redo (and got a note from the hackers)...
I repaired it once more,
but I do not know how to send it back to the client?
I do not see option in Email, the contract is closed, so no help there...
anyone can tell me?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
ddobson 24 Jan @ 6:50pm 
I got the ethernet board and removed a bad capasitor and now I cannot buy one, what do I do?
I think I just sold the board. Nothing happened. I didn't get any complaints from the customer after that. I think it's a scripted thing, as the hackers try to sabotage you.
saber1 24 Jan @ 11:00pm 
I think You may need the 3rd soldering course tutorial to unlock capacitors?

Edit: yeah, just dit it, also Eternally - the game blocks me from selling that board, don't know why, I checked everything, and all components are shown as working (can't power-up the board, so I'm not completly sure it is fixed)...
Last edited by saber1; 24 Jan @ 11:18pm
Hm, maybe it got patched, yes. At least I think I sold it. It's been a while now.

But I never got any email from that customer or whatsoever. I also couldn't send it back to the customer, so I just think I sold it because I didn't know what to do with it.
In your case, I guess you just have to leave it on a table or shelf somewhere
Michau  [developer] 28 Jan @ 3:15pm 
Hi, this is a scripted event for the storyline, this board can be sold after repair :)
saber1 28 Jan @ 9:02pm 
I measured everything on that board, and all compenents have correct values, the only thing I did not check was the programming (because I did not yet have money for the course), and that thing still can't be sold, and there is no notice why, so unless I got some bug there, or I'm missing something, then... I don't have any ideas :/
Freemind Games - Adam  [developer] 16 Feb @ 1:39pm 
Originally posted by saber1:
I measured everything on that board, and all compenents have correct values, the only thing I did not check was the programming (because I did not yet have money for the course), and that thing still can't be sold, and there is no notice why, so unless I got some bug there, or I'm missing something, then... I don't have any ideas :/
We will try to replicate this problem and fix this. Thanks
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