Vampire Hunters

Vampire Hunters

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Aquila constelation
it says to equip three runes in the same at Kazordoom but I'm not sure what runes are, is it a map thing, or items? If someone could help it would be very appreciated
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
It's a point on the map that will open up as time passes. You'll see the large blue circles on the ground.
Originally posted by Thomas E. | 1857:
It's a point on the map that will open up as time passes. You'll see the large blue circles on the ground.
can you get the runes to stay equipped? By the time I get to the third rune, the first one is already worn off
Originally posted by Albert K. Bender:
Originally posted by Thomas E. | 1857:
It's a point on the map that will open up as time passes. You'll see the large blue circles on the ground.
can you get the runes to stay equipped? By the time I get to the third rune, the first one is already worn off

You have to juggle them. Fill them up almost all the way, go do the next one almost all the way, etc, then come back and complete them. It's very doable.
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