Vampire Hunters

Vampire Hunters

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Ricochet doesn't work how it should. (HUGE BUG)
If you shoot the ground past the edge of a corner, and your bullets bounce to an enemy you can't see, you will do no damage. Even though the bullets are connecting. The same problem applies to shooting the ground behind a Vanguard Sumotori. The bullets that bounce and hit it in the back don't do damage if you're standing in front of the shield. Even though the bullets are hitting the guy, not the shield. This should have been fixed in early access. It's a completely unacceptable bug as it makes ricochet damn near useless.
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Gamecraft Studios  [developer] 9 Jan @ 4:59am 
Hello there!

That's not a bug.
That’s how the ricochet has always worked, and it’s intentional. There are ways to increase the number of ricochets, and it would be too overpowered if it were completely precise. Besides, it also looks super fun when it’s not 100% precise.

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