Vampire Hunters

Vampire Hunters

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BUG: Bloody tear disables blood gain if acquired after already having revived by other means
was attempting triple revive run. had 2 pheonix + constalation. and already used all 3. and after taking the bloody tear it just instantly disabled my ability to gain blood
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Gamecraft Studios  [developer] 9 Jan @ 5:11am 
Hello there!

That's not a bug. What we mean by "your blood vial breaks" is that you won't be able to gather blood anymore.

this was before the tear itself was actually used. i mean the blood gathering stopped as soon as i took the upgrade. tho it IS possible i "died" as soon as i took it and just didnt notice. but it didnt seem that way....
it felt like blood gain was disabled just from taking the skill after having already died 3 times and reviving by OTHER means
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