Vampire Hunters

Vampire Hunters

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Low damage but high CD time
Many secondary weapons and familiars have this problem,it's not reasonable,
it let players will not choose these;
they will choose high damage and low CD time useful weapons.
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Reload speed affects the cooldown of many secondary weapons and familiars. With a high reload speed, for example, the cat becomes ridiculous, healing for 15-20hp per second sometimes.
Originally posted by 99percentnerdy:
Reload speed affects the cooldown of many secondary weapons and familiars. With a high reload speed, for example, the cat becomes ridiculous, healing for 15-20hp per second sometimes.

As my title,"Low damage but high CD time";
not about healing.

Let these weapons and familiars become useful,
don't let all players want to exile.
Originally posted by sweethebearc:
Originally posted by 99percentnerdy:
Reload speed affects the cooldown of many secondary weapons and familiars. With a high reload speed, for example, the cat becomes ridiculous, healing for 15-20hp per second sometimes.

As my title,"Low damage but high CD time";
not about healing.

Let these weapons and familiars become useful,
don't let all players want to exile.

The cat was simply one example. Secondary weapons like SAM gun, volcannon, and storm coil all benefit from a high reload speed. They also scale with your damage modifier. I can't think of one secondary weapon that doesn't benefit from reload speed, and the only passive weapon that I know doesn't benefit from it is the Magic Deck.

They are also incredibly useful if you pair them with a good build. I use cat for healing because long high score runs require survivability, and health is hard to come by. For that, I use shield generators and cats, which both benefit from reload speed. The higher the better.

Keep looking into combinations and pressing your level higher on each run. Banish items you don't need, stack the ones you do, and you'll see the difference.

Happy hunting.
Originally posted by 99percentnerdy:
Originally posted by sweethebearc:

As my title,"Low damage but high CD time";
not about healing.

Let these weapons and familiars become useful,
don't let all players want to exile.

The cat was simply one example. Secondary weapons like SAM gun, volcannon, and storm coil all benefit from a high reload speed. They also scale with your damage modifier. I can't think of one secondary weapon that doesn't benefit from reload speed, and the only passive weapon that I know doesn't benefit from it is the Magic Deck.

They are also incredibly useful if you pair them with a good build. I use cat for healing because long high score runs require survivability, and health is hard to come by. For that, I use shield generators and cats, which both benefit from reload speed. The higher the better.

Keep looking into combinations and pressing your level higher on each run. Banish items you don't need, stack the ones you do, and you'll see the difference.

Happy hunting.

Exile those low damage but high CD times weapons and familiars,
is happy hunting way for now.
yeah, that solar beam seems quite ridiculous when it comes to cd, but i'm sure that one will also be more useful with higher reload speed. i also use a cat every time but i'm still on my path to completing every map, so it's only for 30 minutes. with the upgraded paladin it's quite easy so far, thanks to the healing on the f-ability. knowing that reload speed also helps with those abilities makes a few of them a lot more interesting again too, like the meteor. recently i always prefered the lightning because of the lower cd but if the reload speed upgrades also improve the meteor, it gets interesting again
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