RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker VX Ace

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Losing my mind trying to import monster png's
So I created a battle event, got everything ready to go... now I just need a working png image for said monster (specifically a character png, not a battler png).

Shouldn't be hard, right? Well... apparently it is. I downloaded various free RPG maker resource packs, unzipped them, imported the images, went to set them as the graphic for the monster.... and immediately slammed into a brick wall.

I can only select tiny portions of the images with the white box that you use to pick a sprite. Never the full image. I have tried resizing the images, to no avail. The white box simply shrinks along with the image in question. This is IMMENSELY frustrating and I cannot fathom what on earth I am even doing wrong here.

Why can't I simply use the whole image for the character sprite? It doesn't make any sense to me... would really appreciate some help with this, because until I figure out what's wrong, I'm stuck and cannot do anything further with this game engine.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
AceHangman 26 Dec, 2024 @ 9:18pm 
TL/DR Try adding a dollar sign $ at the start of the image name in your save folder. (an exclamation is another special character, but I think that's more for doors and such, probably want the dollar sign) and see if that works.

Do you mean, you want to create a character sprite, like the hero, but for a monster or NPC walking around the map and visible in the overland?

'A character can be of any size, and a total of twelve patterns (four directions (down, left, right, up) × 3 patterns) are arranged in the designated order. In each file, arrange characters two down and four across, for a total of eight. The size of this character is calculated based on one-twelfth the width and one-eighth the height of this file.

Note that RPG Maker VX Ace displays characters offset four pixels from tiles so as to more naturally portray them with buildings.

Adding an exclamation point (!) to the beginning of a file name cancels the application of the four-pixel offset, and also turns off the translucent effect applied by the bush attribute. This is used mainly for object-type characters on maps, such as doors and treasure chests. It can also be used in combination with the dollar sign ($) special character.
Adding a dollar sign ($) to the beginning of a file name allows you to treat one character as one file. In this case, the size of the character will be one-third of the width and one-fourth of the height of the file. It can also be used in combination with the exclamation point (!) special character.'

If that's what you need, then you can see it by clicking PREVIEW on some of the existing character sheets. For most creatures you need at least one direction (if you don't intend on them turning or walking in place). But otherwise you need to set the images to the right size. I use a program called Game Character Hub to do that (section them off), but programs like GIMP or such can arrange images to the right size. It might also be how you save the file, Try adding a dollar sign $ or exclamation at the start of the image name. (probably the dollar sign) and see if that works.
Last edited by AceHangman; 26 Dec, 2024 @ 9:28pm
☠Black Knight 27 Dec, 2024 @ 1:50am 
Originally posted by AceHangman:
TL/DR Try adding a dollar sign $ at the start of the image name in your save folder. (an exclamation is another special character, but I think that's more for doors and such, probably want the dollar sign) and see if that works.

Do you mean, you want to create a character sprite, like the hero, but for a monster or NPC walking around the map and visible in the overland?

'A character can be of any size, and a total of twelve patterns (four directions (down, left, right, up) × 3 patterns) are arranged in the designated order. In each file, arrange characters two down and four across, for a total of eight. The size of this character is calculated based on one-twelfth the width and one-eighth the height of this file.

Note that RPG Maker VX Ace displays characters offset four pixels from tiles so as to more naturally portray them with buildings.

Adding an exclamation point (!) to the beginning of a file name cancels the application of the four-pixel offset, and also turns off the translucent effect applied by the bush attribute. This is used mainly for object-type characters on maps, such as doors and treasure chests. It can also be used in combination with the dollar sign ($) special character.
Adding a dollar sign ($) to the beginning of a file name allows you to treat one character as one file. In this case, the size of the character will be one-third of the width and one-fourth of the height of the file. It can also be used in combination with the exclamation point (!) special character.'

If that's what you need, then you can see it by clicking PREVIEW on some of the existing character sheets. For most creatures you need at least one direction (if you don't intend on them turning or walking in place). But otherwise you need to set the images to the right size. I use a program called Game Character Hub to do that (section them off), but programs like GIMP or such can arrange images to the right size. It might also be how you save the file, Try adding a dollar sign $ or exclamation at the start of the image name. (probably the dollar sign) and see if that works.

Sadly, this doesn't seem to work. Neither for sprites nor faces. I really don't understand why I can't simply have the option to use the entire imported image, and not just small white square chunks of it. Trying to find free resources to work with is already like pulling teeth. But then to download them and find out I can't even use them in this game engine is just... ugh.

When it comes to character sprites, I don't even care if they are animated or can face more than one direction. Literally just a static PNG would do. That's how desperate I am getting lol. But I can't even get it to do that much. It's always just one small chunk of the image that I am allowed to select at any given time.

Here is a visual example of what I mean:


I can use the white box to select any corner of the image I want to be displayed as the graphic. But for the life of me, I can't get it to use the whole image instead...
Last edited by ☠Black Knight; 27 Dec, 2024 @ 1:51am
AceHangman 27 Dec, 2024 @ 5:43pm 
That happens when you try to import the image into which folder?
And you say adjusting the pixel size of the image changes nothing?
☠Black Knight 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:46am 
Originally posted by AceHangman:
That happens when you try to import the image into which folder?
And you say adjusting the pixel size of the image changes nothing?

It happens with faces, characters, and tiles. I haven't tried battlers yet, but it's safe to assume it will probably happen there too. And yeah, resizing the image just changes the size of the white box I get when imported.

I had a huge 2500 x 2500 image that wouldn't fit, so I shrank it down to like 250x250. And the white box was still only 25% of the new image. The weird thing is, it only happens with some stuff. A few (very few) of the resources I have downloaded will import with no issue. While the vast majority will have this problem and become unusable. It even happens with workshop stuff I download. No clue at all what is going on here lol.
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