RPG Maker VX Ace

RPG Maker VX Ace

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Having trouble getting an item to disappear from ground after being picked up.
So, as the title says... I feel like this should be incredibly simple to do. I looked up a tutorial and followed it step by step.

1. Created an event with the item graphic of my choice (a rope), and on the first page of the event, gave it some flavor text about player finding the rope, and offering them the choice to pick it up.

2. When the player selects "Yes", it should trigger for them to get the item, and then set self switch A = on.

3. The second page of the event has no graphic, and no commands to run. It only has the condition of checking if self switch A is on or not.

In theory, this SHOULD work. But the issue I am running into is... every guide I have seen on this has the player character being able to interact with events while one tile away, and looking at the event and using the action key.

That's... not how it works for me. My player character must be standing on the event tile itself, or the action button does nothing. I have absolutely no idea why my version is different, but it is. And because of this difference... this method does not work for me. I can't trigger the event, because I cannot stand on that tile, because the graphic of a rope isn't something you can walk on.

I also tried a slightly more convoluted approach, involving 4 events. Two of them are for getting the rope (placed next to the rope event with the graphic), and a third event elsewhere to make sure the variable the rope is set to is on. Then, all the events clear and delete themselves upon the rope being picked up, as it sets the variable to off. This also does not work, because after a few seconds, the rope simply reappears somehow.

Anybody know what in the world I am doing wrong here?

Link to event page 1 screenshot - https://ibb.co/nLfSnk3
Link to event page 2 screenshot - https://ibb.co/DYkL0ZL
Last edited by ☠Black Knight; 31 Dec, 2024 @ 6:27pm
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You need to set the Event's Priority, to the right of the Graphic image to Same as Characters.

Think of it as being like three levels. Below is like on the floor, Same is like Standing up, and Above is like flying. That's simplified, but basically, if something is set Below, you have to be on the Tile, while Same will let you activate from next to it, (can't recall Above).

It also controls whether a graphic will overlap or be overlapped by another (normally the PC). You'd normally use Below for small things, like a gopher or rope on the ground and Above for something flying, like a butterfly or bird image.

I don't see a reason you can't step on the rope unless the map tile beneath it is set to impassible. If it is, then the event needs to be set to Same as Characters.

I see no reason the rope isn't disappearing either, unless you have an actual map tile graphic of a rope in that spot too.
Last edited by AceHangman; 1 Jan @ 9:09am
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