Dark Hours

Dark Hours

Statues seem unplayable with 2 players
When hacking for the vault or other objectives, when playing 2 player, the statues can't be watched while in the minigame. Am I missing something? Every time we tried to hack anything, they'd just jump us from behind. We tried blocking them off with doors, but no luck
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Weatie 20 Jan @ 11:47am 
The strat I use when playing against statues with one of my friends is to utilize the gates. First, we generally try to locate the three fuses (especially in auction house) and the vault. Then we unlock the vault and lure the statues to the main room where we try to get them underneath the gates. Once we successfully manage to crush all three, we rush to the vault, and hurry through the hacking code. One of us will go back out and keep watch of the statues and the other loots. We also try to lock them into the vault if there's enough wiggle room to do so, otherwise...we just crush em.

Sometimes that's not an option and the best course of action for us is to either rush through the control room hack if they're far enough away, vents (also if they're far enough away), etc or lure them to the main room and crush them like when we attempt to get into the vault. You can also utilize tables to let them roam away, which can be dangerous, but sometimes it helps. There may be other strats that are better, but those generally work for us.
Raven  [developer] 21 Jan @ 1:02am 
Hey SiggySaw,

I think Weatie gave you some great advice to help you deal with the Stone Stalkers!
I’d also add that you can use a fire extinguisher to temporarily destroy them by activating it and throwing it ;)

Feel free to let me know if these tips helped you!

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