Dark Hours

Dark Hours

Balance Changes
Having a lot of fun so far, excited to see new additions and everything else throughout the early access. I also see the developers active in the discussions which is always nice to see.

I don't know if me and my friends are just bad (entirely possible lol) but we've been having some problems with some of the entities.

Pharaoh is the worst one and seems to be way broken. Once he sees you you're basically done for, even if we broke line of sight, he would just hunt you down until you were in a locker or under a desk. And then as soon as you stepped out, no matter how long it's been, he's right there right around the corner. The last game i had with him we felt so useless, because when he would finally blink away, he immediately re-spawned 5 feet away and ushered you back into the same hiding hole until we just gave up. I think some kind of spawn distance extension, and/or downtime where he cant appear again something akin to phasmophobia would be nice.

I see in other discussions there a lot of split thoughts on the kissers. I think they're not too bad, but would like to see a more consistent way to get them off yourself. Me and my friends have yet to be able to get a single one off ourselves, despite others seeing them run directly into a wall.

Again, having fun so far!
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Raven  [developer] 27 Jan @ 1:16am 
Hey IdentifyOnFire,

Glad to see you're having fun with the game! If you're having trouble with certain monsters, I’d recommend checking out the community guide, which covers the strengths and weaknesses of each monster and how to protect yourself from them! I hope this will be helpful to you!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the Pharaoh and the Kissers. I’ll pass your feedback along to the devs! Feel free to let me know if you already knew all of that or if it made your experience easier, especially against the Mummy!


Have a great day!
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