Dark Hours

Dark Hours

Worst Player
The worst player punishment is brutal because me and a buddy will do the same amount of work and it gives it to me every timw which is -$3000. Is it only based on how much loot you put int the team bag?
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I would also like to see some changes to that. If it's the stone stalkers, we have a dedicated babysitter for them. That teammate is pivotal to finishing the heist because otherwise we would just die from behind, but they get punished by being the worst teammate because of it. Maybe something like adding time spent in proximity to and/or actively halting the stalkers going towards being good?
I agree that the "best player" and worst player" system needs additional metrics to determine the results or removal all-together. A "thumbs up/down" voting after the job is an alternative. Most up gets bonus cash, most down gets a penalty. Let the players reward or punish their friends.

The stalker babysitter strategy is standard for our team as well. We also have people that like to fill their bags with fuses, keys, and tools while other leave their bag space open for loot. The loot people remember the way back to the team back and make regular trips whilst the tool/key people work through rooms to advance the heist goals. The tool users also protect the looters from monsters. That doesn't make them any less vital to the mission or deserving of the "worst player" penalty.

We offset the penalty by switching up the roles between jobs, but that shouldn't have to be the way. Let people play the role they prefer without incurring a penalty.
I was JUST about to write something in the same ballpark!

My friend trips all the alarms, doesn't complete objectives, gets killed or me killed, and puts some loot in the bag.
I masterfully sneak around, grab keys and fuses, complete the objectives, and put some loot in the bag (we both do around 50-50 loot-wise)

And I'm always the worst player.

So if I put 49.9% of the loot, and he puts 50.1%, that means he should get a +3K and me -3K, despite me doing the rest of the work? Makes no sense!

IMO, Worst player shouldn't just be the "opposite of best player", but should be its own metric.
It's ok if only 1 can be Best and it can default to some metric, but the "Worst" should check for things like loitering around, pushing / hitting / shooting / freezing / generally grieving other players, and heck, even stealing from them (yeah, you might get "best thief", but also contribute to "worst player", so it's a risk!).

That way, someone can be "Best", while no one else is "Worst", because they did contribute to the mission and didn't do anything to deserve a penalty.
Lights 1 Feb @ 12:10pm 
ALL of you guys are completely missing the point of this game imo.

This is a game of saboteur DISGUISED as a team game. That is what makes it SO GREAT. Thats why we are given "push" and "knocking" and ESPECIALLY the "STEAL" action.

None of these actions HELP a team. If you want a team game, go play payday 3 LOL

The penalty system works as intended imo. It is meant to incentivize you to do what thieves do best, STEAL VALUABLE LOOT, not babysit the stone stalkers or do all the "work". If you wanna play that role, its fine, but can you trust your team to not keep more loot for themselves? Thats the point of the game.

It's literally in their description too...

Live a terrifying and fun co-op horror experience where you will discover more about the origin of the dark hours! …and who your friends really are!
Originally posted by Lights:
ALL of you guys are completely missing the point of this game imo.

This is a game of saboteur DISGUISED as a team game. That is what makes it SO GREAT. Thats why we are given "push" and "knocking" and ESPECIALLY the "STEAL" action.

None of these actions HELP a team. If you want a team game, go play payday 3 LOL

The penalty system works as intended imo. It is meant to incentivize you to do what thieves do best, STEAL VALUABLE LOOT, not babysit the stone stalkers or do all the "work". If you wanna play that role, its fine, but can you trust your team to not keep more loot for themselves? Thats the point of the game.

It's literally in their description too...

Live a terrifying and fun co-op horror experience where you will discover more about the origin of the dark hours! …and who your friends really are!
This seems to be a minority because rarely do I even hear of people sabotaging others unless they get lucky to join a public lobby. Everyone works together to get the objectives done, grab what they can and get out. It may be in the game's description but that doesn't mean people are playing that way when the payoff to working together is much better.

Also lmfao Payday 3 is dead. Everyone knows 2 is where the fun is.
Originally posted by Lights:
ALL of you guys are completely missing the point of this game imo.

This is a game of saboteur DISGUISED as a team game. That is what makes it SO GREAT. Thats why we are given "push" and "knocking" and ESPECIALLY the "STEAL" action.

None of these actions HELP a team. If you want a team game, go play payday 3 LOL

The penalty system works as intended imo. It is meant to incentivize you to do what thieves do best, STEAL VALUABLE LOOT, not babysit the stone stalkers or do all the "work". If you wanna play that role, its fine, but can you trust your team to not keep more loot for themselves? Thats the point of the game.

It's literally in their description too...

Live a terrifying and fun co-op horror experience where you will discover more about the origin of the dark hours! …and who your friends really are!

There are 2 things you're missing:
1) The penalty is for worst TEAMMATE, meaning if you do what thieves do best and loot (from the place and from your friends) at the expense of your teammates, you are actively sabotaging the TEAM, therefore you should be considered worst TEAMmate.
The only problem is that this metric, from what we understand, is based solely on how much you contributed to the team bag, and in a game of 2, if the split is 49%-51%, the 49% player is considered worst teammate, despite making a considerate contribution.

2) Most people play with their friends. Unless you and your friends decide "every man for himself", you'd want all of the team to succeed, and splitting roles (the guardian, the runner who puts the loot in the bag while the other find more loot, the savior etc.) is vital for a team success.
In this way, it's not fair to say someone is "worst" if they just so happen to not do the only thing that matters. It'll either drive people to the "every man for himself" approach (away from their initial goal), or simply drive them away.
Or, on rare occasions, bond friends even more, making them alternate from best and worst to even things out.
there should be a bonus for best player and no worst player penalty, its just too complicated to implement correctly. If they sort out some of the issues ill buy
HewDog 8 Feb @ 3:54pm 
100% agree the worst teammate punishment is bogus. Keep the best teammate bonus but there shouldn't be a worst teammate punishment
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