Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

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onfire55 23 Oct, 2017 @ 1:34pm
Patch Notes - 5.6 (Open Beta) Discussion
Patch 5.6 is now ready for Open Beta! In this update we have addressed a wide variety of community issues and we encourage everyone to try it out and participate in the Open Beta! We will be monitoring the forums and we look forward to your feedback in this discussion thread.

Thank you for your ongoing support and to everyone who is already participating!

Below are the issues that have been addressed in this 5.6 Open Beta:

General Community Bug Fixes:
  • Main menu titles no longer disappears after changing languages
  • Main menu help text is now displayed correctly
  • History screen scroll bars are now aligned correctly
  • History screen text is no longer cut off by the scroll bar for some languages
  • Credits screen background images now cycle correctly
  • Lobby Browser now displays ranked games correctly
  • Custom campaigns are now sorted alphabetically in the campaign menu
  • NOMODS launch option no longer skips the intro video

Campaign Improvements:
  • Main menu music now correctly fades out when advancing to the campaign menu
  • Campaign menu buttons now play the correct audio sfx
  • Campaign help text and highlights are now consistent
  • El Cid 1 monks should no longer take the players relic
  • Francisco de Almeida 1 scout panel text should no longer be cut off
  • Holding escape while pressing ok to start a custom campaign should no longer crash
Editor Improvements:
  • Testing a scenario after deleting a garrisoned unit should no longer crash
  • Enabling unique player colors is now less confusing
  • Changing a player in trigger conditions no longer resets other lists in the trigger
  • Changing the players starting age and civilization no longer disables imperial age units
  • Scroll bars no longer appear on top of dropdown lists
  • Researching any technology while units have modified HP / AP now functions correctly
  • Mini-map is no longer cut off by the edge of the screen
  • AI tribe names no longer persist in other game modes
  • Setting max teams no longer gets incremented by 1 in the lobby
  • Setting max teams no longer prevents right click cycling in lobby
  • Disabled items now transfer correctly when players change colors in the lobby
  • Arrow keys now function correctly on the save menus
  • Modifying scenario dependencies should no longer create a corrupted file if it fails

Gameplay Improvements:
  • Treaty games now display a countdown timer
  • Treaty countdown timer now displays a warning message
  • Treaty 1-minute-left warning sound should now play
  • Imperial Skirmisher and Elite Genitour are now available in Imperial Age scenarios
  • Huskarls trained from castle and barracks can now be selected together
  • Mirror civ option now functions correctly with co-op
  • Tech tree hotkey button now functions correctly when pressing escape
  • Tech tree tile should no longer crash when drag clicking
  • Tech tree embedded techs should no longer have alignment issues
  • Tech tree unit names no longer appear to be cut off in Simplified Chinese
  • Same units created from different buildings can now be grouped correctly
  • Idle AI monks should now attempt to retrieve relics
  • Neutral and enemy stance descriptions are no longer cut off
  • Market buttons should now be easier to read
  • Terrain sound effects should now play correctly
  • Recorded game UI button help text is now displayed correctly
  • Post-game research percentage should now be more accurate
  • Post-game mvp ribbons should now display correctly for each team
  • Post-game co-op scores should now display correctly
  • Data restrictions now fixed for Water Nomad, Sandbank and Pacific Islands

Mod Manager Improvements:
  • Buttons will now appear disabled when players have no mods installed
  • Mod manger title is no longer cut off
  • Lobby Brower filter now enables searching for modded datasets
  • Modded datasets now use the cog icon in all drop downs
  • Updating your published mods now remembers the published description
  • Converting an Expansions Scenario to Base no longer hides units incorrectly
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Showing 1-15 of 83 comments
FireStar 23 Oct, 2017 @ 1:45pm 
Last Man Standing still not available (anymore) for Single Player.
Jineapple 23 Oct, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
Thank you! Couple of questions:
Will there be any balance updates added to the open beta as happened with 5.5? Or can we expect no balance updates in the very near future?
What are the plans beyond patch 5.6?
How will the Age2: DE affect HD?
lbertolotti 23 Oct, 2017 @ 2:40pm 
When I launch my game, the intro is not playing at all....
I just get "Changed managed mods published....."
Will someone fix this?
Last edited by lbertolotti; 23 Oct, 2017 @ 2:41pm
Dr. Pyspy 23 Oct, 2017 @ 3:24pm 
Will sound mods (both standalone and packed within modded datasets) be fixed?
Ecthelion III 23 Oct, 2017 @ 4:37pm 
I love that this game is still recieving updates but I do wish that we could get voice overs added to The Forgotten campaigns! It seems a shame that they are the only ones without voice overs.
Saint_Michaels_ 23 Oct, 2017 @ 5:50pm 
Originally posted by Dr. Pyspy:
Will sound mods (both standalone and packed within modded datasets) be fixed?

Nope, WAV files are still unsupported it seems.

Also please consider changing Cartography so that it Auto-Researches on the Market being built. I have a fully working concept mod that sets it up in a way so that it doesn't break any of the current scenarios or campaigns, can be properly and easily disabled in the editor and also because Caravans are connected to Cartography, Caravans is often also disabled as a result as well in majority of the Expansion Campaigns. It is very counterproductive since a good number of the campaigns that has Caravans indirectly disabled also happends to rely on you having trade as well.
hbarudi 23 Oct, 2017 @ 7:18pm 
A new patch is in the making:
"Imperial Skirmisher and Elite Genitour are now available in Imperial Age scenarios"
Finally once this patch is released the berber and vietnamese campaign will be worth replaying at least the imperial age starting scenarios.

"El Cid 1 monks should no longer take the players relic" and "Idle AI monks should now attempt to retrieve relics" look contradictory to me unless they make the ai monks have a range for relic collection before they stop collecting relics if they are too far away from their base. The range would be specifyable in the ai file.

"Also please consider changing Cartography so that it Auto-Researches on the Market being built. I have a fully working concept mod that sets it up in a way so that it doesn't break any of the current scenarios or campaigns, can be properly and easily disabled in the editor and also because Caravans are connected to Cartography, Caravans is often also disabled as a result as well in majority of the Expansion Campaigns. It is very counterproductive since a good number of the campaigns that has Caravans indirectly disabled also happends to rely on you having trade as well."
Yes and no:
I do want to be able to research caravan in capmaigns that have cartography disabled.
I do not want the cartography to auto research since I would like to get that 100% map explored on campaigns. Whenever cartography is researched, all black area for me would be explored by allies walking all over the map and then I can't know what I explored or not. Please make ally exploration count for us if you want auto research cartography.
Either the caravan or cartography button should be moved to being below the set gather point button so that if cartography is disabled, the caravan can continue to be researchable.
gaurav.ak47 23 Oct, 2017 @ 7:52pm 
I guess this patch came so quickly because this has only bug fixes and no game changes like balances and new mechanics. But major bugs like units teleporting throughout walls, ships ending up on land land-locked, condo being able to kill jaguar warrior (not sure if this was planned), Portuguese hand cannon getting ballistics without researching ballistics and just doing the unique tech (at least change the verbiage, gunpowder units affected by ballistics), weird path selection by units etc. aren't fixed.
MariAno 23 Oct, 2017 @ 7:52pm 
Buenas,bueno no puedo hablar en su idioma,asi que puede que me entiendan,pero en fin
Desde el ultimo Parche cuando juego un 3vs3,4vs4,FFA (Free for all) Llega a un punto a que crashea el juego y bueno,pierdo ELO y no me gusta(Lo raro es que en CBA,No crashea,pero en el resto si),no soy mucho de 1vs1 o 2vs2,me gusta mas lo anterior mencionado,asi que quiero saber si pueden resolver ese crasheo extraño,si necesitan info de eso,les puedo pasar los archivos que aparecen en mi carpeta sobre los ya mencionados
Saint_Michaels_ 23 Oct, 2017 @ 8:33pm 
Originally posted by hbarudi:
I do not want the cartography to auto research since I would like to get that 100% map explored on campaigns. Whenever cartography is researched, all black area for me would be explored by allies walking all over the map and then I can't know what I explored or not.

Again, that particular setup properly disables on scenarios & campaigns. Meaning that already existing campaigns, which you are talking about, will still have Cartography disabled since it already has Cartography disabled.
Last edited by Saint_Michaels_; 23 Oct, 2017 @ 8:34pm
WhiteMagick 23 Oct, 2017 @ 8:54pm 
Wow, well done guys with this patch! It does fix a lot of issues in the scenario editor, gameplay and the lobbies!

Some important ones remain such as path finding and balance changes. Hopefully, we will see those happen with this patch or the new DLC(?). ;-)
Last edited by WhiteMagick; 23 Oct, 2017 @ 9:00pm
Jarvis 23 Oct, 2017 @ 11:48pm 
I am interested in some small new but very useful features:

1. The queue in the mill schould not have pictures for every farm in the queue. It would be better, if there is only one picture and a number on it. Then it is easy possible to increase the maximum number of farms in the queue (40 is still not enough in my opinion).

2. It would be very nice if you can take more than one techonology in a building. So, I mean, a queue for technologies would be useful.

3. It would be also good if queues can have units and technologies together. For example, than you can take some techonolgies in the barracks and some units behind them. You have no waiting time.

4. In the view where you can see what your villigers are doing there is only one point for all miners. It would be better if there are two sections for gold miners and stone miners.

5. Is it possible to implement a queue for fish traps in the harbour like the queue for farms in the mill? That could be very usefull for games with much water where for example you don't have enough space for many farms on land. If you implement this, than please do it like I would be prefer it for farms (see the first entry in this list). However the harbour than should have to queues, one for fish traps and one for combined units and technologies.

6. The queue for units have pictures for every unit in the queue. I think, it would be better if there are only two pricutres. The first pricture represents the actual unit that ist build now and the secend picture represents the rest of the queue. On the second picture is only a number that represents the length of the queue. With this design you can make much longer queues as 15 like now. You need both pictures because if you want to to stop producing new units at first you have to return the actual unit, so you have to click on the first picture. If you only want to short your queue, you have to click on the secend picture and the number on it decreases. The number of pictures should be limited because if you have many queues with different units and some technologies than it could be that you cannot see the numbers of the second pictures of the queues bacuse they overlap each other. So I think, the maximum number of pictures is reached when you define that pictures are not allowed to overlap or the overlap is limitted by the with of a number with three digits. That should be enough. I think in Age of Empires III it is nearly solved in this way.

Also, I found some small bugs:

1. If you open the technolgy tree view you can scroll to wide to the left side and not far enough to the right side. I mean the picture is shifted.

2. The tech tree does not contain the Raise of Rajas units etc..

3. If you add a new user in the main menu under "options" (in german: "Optionen"), you select the new user and switch to another menu like Singleplayer to go to the campaign the selected user automatically switched back to the first user (the steam user). So, it is not possible to have more than one user profile.

4. At the learning campaign all 8 scenarios are shown. In the old CD version you have to play the first scenario before you can see the second one and so on.

Thanks to the devs for the ongoing support and the new open beta patch! I'm very interested in the next steps (more patches, more DLCs?) and I hope at least, you will implement some or all of my requested features.

Nevertheless it would be very interesting to have so information about the DE version of AoE II and the relationship between this upcoming version to the HD version.

In my opinion it seems to be that the actual work on the HD version is only completed (patch 5.6 contains many improvements, but they are all very small and they contain no new features) and after the release of the next DLC there will be no more activities in the HD version. Well, in some kind this make really sense, but we want to know that definitely. Another very interesting question is if the DE version gets ready, will HD version owner get a discount price the DE version? And what will this version contains? Only the classic CD version of AoE II in 4k and with new recorded sound or all contents of the HD version? In my opinion it makes only sense to take the HD version as a base for the DE version because in the other case the player community will be devided. Some players only want to have the nice graphic of the 4k version (for example because they have a 4k monitor) and the other players want to use the many improvementa and new campaigns of the HD version. So, there are many interesting questions, a few answers (we do not decide this or that is also an answer) would be nice.
Hazardus Chemikals 24 Oct, 2017 @ 12:07am 
What about the desyncs? Came back as 16xx. Dropped to 14xx. Why? **Out of Sync** every other game.
JETI 24 Oct, 2017 @ 2:56am 
There is a small error in the scenario editor.

If the language setting is 'Korean', you will not able to see the titles for effects and conditions when you select the condition or effect of the trigger menu.

For example:
When I create condtions and do not select any items, the title of condition appears as 'condition 0' in red color.
But if I select any items, for example - 'Own Objects', the title of condition becomes invisible.

It's been a long time after I found this glitch, but it still remains.

I don't know if I wrote well because I lacked my English skills.

NOCTURNE 24 Oct, 2017 @ 7:43am 
1. Dracula mission 5: Turkish enemies have wrong colors. All of them should be purple(according to the hints and the previous missions) but they are not. They are blue, orange, ect.

2. Cyprus: Wrong colors again. Both Cyprus and Isaac Komnenos should be teal(according to the hints), but they are purple and gray instead.

This two ^^ need 1 minute to fix, but they are still there... ???
Last edited by NOCTURNE; 25 Oct, 2017 @ 9:23am
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Date Posted: 23 Oct, 2017 @ 1:34pm
Posts: 82