Seer's Gambit

Seer's Gambit

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Banang 24 Jul, 2024 @ 1:47am
Was browsing the latest Steam event thing and saw this game and it caught my eye! Twelve hours later I've beaten the demo. Unlocked one of the two bonus classes too.

Things I'd like to suggest and I'm not sure if you plan on doing already:
(Take them with a grain of salt, I'm not a game dev.)

A second item slot for each character. I can see how that might break the game pretty quickly. But I think it will make building characters A LOT more fun. Maybe make enemies harder to compensate?

A way to get more of the unit type bonuses easier. I have two suggestions for this.
1. Let us combine units of the same color to upgrade them. Maybe also have a storage for units we're not using so I don't have to just fill my entire party with things I don't want.
2. Randomize the emblem you get from each unit from their pool. Like instead of the druid (or whatever they're called) always giving nature as a common, instead it randomly picks from it's pool of three. And then the rare version would pick two of them from it's pool of three. While the legendary variant would just have all three still.

Non-eqiuppable relics. Things that just buff your entire party that you hold onto during a run. Could be an alternative to additional item slots on characters?

Bosses. I know there will be a final boss, but I'm not sure if you plan on others. I'd like to see some!

Alternate Skins/Colors for units. Just a fun little thing that might also help people distinguish between their units if they're running teams with multiple of the same type.

Overall, I really enjoyed the demo and will definitely be buying the game when it comes out!
Last edited by Banang; 24 Jul, 2024 @ 1:48am
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unleashthegiraffe  [developer] 25 Jul, 2024 @ 12:31pm 
Hi Banang. Thanks a ton for both the kind words and the suggestions. (Super stoked you liked the demo enough to spend 12 hours on it. :) )

Another item slot is a recurring request. We're currently debating how we can best accommodate something like that without breaking the balance of the game. Hopefully we can find a solution as we agree there could be a ton of fun synergies coming of that. No promises, but stay tuned.

Combining units is unfortunately unlikely to happen as it would require a lot of changes to underlying mechanics, but that doesn't mean we can address the issue of getting more combos unlocked. We have some ideas on adding more ways to get unit tags.

A party buff that lasts for only one run is something that we may be able to add through events. Interesting suggestion, we'll keep that in mind!

More bosses requested. Gotcha. While we may not be able to add more than one "Boss", boss at launch, elite minions and customized fights are things we're playing around with.

I love the idea of alternative skins/colors for heroes. Definitely goes in the "I would love to add this if we can find the time pile"

Thank you again for all the great feedback, it's awesome, gives a ton of energy and some good pointers of what to focus on in the last part of development.
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