Cry of Fear

Cry of Fear

I'm Stuck in the Very Beginning!
How do you get through the halls where you take all the pictures and stuff? I can't get through the thing that looks like a mirror or window..? I'm so confused. lol
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
demons_of_chaos 31 Jul, 2015 @ 10:09pm 
when you get to the mirror/window, you take a picture of it to break it.
After that you then crouch/jump through. if that is not the problem comment below and i can help further
RattyRattington 31 Jul, 2015 @ 10:34pm 
Crouch jumping is a skill you'll need to get by in this game. It's not too hard to do and you can do it in any Source/Half Life type game, just crouch at the peak of your jump.
germanrubberbands 1 Aug, 2015 @ 12:31am 
Oh, okay! Thank you! I kind of felt like an idiot for not being able to do it...
izumi 18 Jun, 2024 @ 4:20am 
76561199533694755 18 Jun, 2024 @ 8:25am 
Cry of fear has alot of features and hard puzzles which makes it difficult, it's okay practice makes perfect though
76561199641450686 22 Jun, 2024 @ 11:31pm 
Originally posted by RattyRattington:
Crouch jumping is a skill you'll need to get by in this game. It's not too hard to do and you can do it in any Source/Half Life type game, just crouch at the peak of your jump.
This crough jumping is required to beat the game. Especially that train crash where you need to escape under the time limit. I hate this section.
H0TS4UCE 28 Jan @ 3:13am 
dawg why wont it work
H0TS4UCE 28 Jan @ 3:13am 
its been 8 years already why cant it work
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