Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

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Console command to make the third and hunger bar never run down?
A bit of a long story but I installed that cool modpack but sadly I didnt realize it forces you to play it on hardcore. I cant change it on the menu and deactivating it on the pack itself would according to the discord break multiple thongs as its fundemental to the pack.

Anyway I liked it at first bzt realized a whole stew not being fulfilling and wasting skillpoints on survival simply isnt fun and I cant seem to find ways to bruteforce it
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Ladez 29 Jan @ 8:10am 
Find some means of overriding the game settings FHCDehydrationRate[geckwiki.com], FHCSleepDeprivationRate[geckwiki.com] and FHCStarvationrate[geckwiki.com]. They control the rate at which hardcore needs increase.

Your options are to change it with the console, which may require you to do so every time the game loads. There are several functions available, depending on which plugins you have.[geckwiki.com] If you have Stewie's tweaks, it allows you to override game settings in its ini. Lastly, you could create a custom mod with FNVEdit to override the settings.
Witch ~ 29 Jan @ 8:16am 
Originally posted by Ladez:
Find some means of overriding the game settings FHCDehydrationRate[geckwiki.com], FHCSleepDeprivationRate[geckwiki.com] and FHCStarvationrate[geckwiki.com]. They control the rate at which hardcore needs increase.

Your options are to change it with the console, which may require you to do so every time the game loads. There are several functions available, depending on which plugins you have.[geckwiki.com] If you have Stewie's tweaks, it allows you to override game settings in its ini. Lastly, you could create a custom mod with FNVEdit to override the settings.
it doesnt have FHC but it does have Stewie's tweaks, oh wow. I guess I could try that but Im a bit worried
Ladez 29 Jan @ 8:17am 
Originally posted by Witch ~:
it doesnt have FHC
fallout hardcore mode

and if you don't want to micromanage all the console commands yourself, get a mod, for example check out BTaN - Better Time and Needs[www.nexusmods.com].
Witch ~ 29 Jan @ 8:31am 
Originally posted by Ladez:
Originally posted by Witch ~:
it doesnt have FHC
Anyway lookin up the tweak settings
Witch ~ 29 Jan @ 8:32am 
You guys are so much more helpful than that awful discord. I seriously am starting to hate modpack makers. Thank you so much
Ladez 29 Jan @ 8:34am 
Originally posted by Witch ~:
Originally posted by Ladez:
I don't know what "it doesnt have FHC" means.
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Date Posted: 28 Jan @ 9:05pm
Posts: 7