Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

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Can't locate game folder for FNV for MO2 Steam Deck/Linux
What in the actual crap is going on? Why are all the brackets the wrong way and why can't I just copy and paste the location of game?? What is wrong with this weird file explorer MO2 has?? Could someone send me like the location of the game folder? But with like brackets not facing this way "/" but this way "\", this whole file location thing is all weird
Like I know the folder location is "/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/" but MO2 file locator wants it written in a different way


Z:\home\deck\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas

Weird right? Opposite facing brackets in MO2. Stranger part is that it was hidden and invisible, I had to manually write it in!
Last edited by Berserker Armor; 29 Jan @ 5:34pm
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sparky, Decks are a "real" OS, linux, and / is proper for pathing since mainframes and COBOL, not Microsoft's corrupted way just to be different to obfuscate and confuse... the same way 'dir' is 'ls' (and in the realm of proprietary capitalism, let's not forget early Apple OS, where it was 'catalog') but if you get used to microsoft's using / as a command line command flag, it will drive you nuts at first, where linux is usually -x for short and --this_is_longform... and linux uses \ as an escape character, for inputting things that would be handled differently than you wanted; for example windows path with a space needs double quotes, 'dir "this directory here" ' and linux allows the same thing with 'ls "this directory here" ' the only real difference one is case-sensitive and windows is broken. but another way without the quotes is 'ls this\ directory\ here' to escape the space characters, implying they're part of the filename not whitespace separation.

MO2 is (normally!) a windows app so it'll want \ for pathing separators, but here's the thing to remember; if you're running it through proton, it's going to want windows paths as it's a windows app.

it's not weird at all, it's an intermix of OSes. just like Z: is a default wine mapping for the root of the whole system (subject to linux access control, not microsoft) if you allow it, seems decks do by default, that makes things easier, but it should not be hidden in the least, if you had done say 'protontricks 22380 shell' and then 'ls "../z\:/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/" it would have listed it in your linux console just as it would have in a wineconsole window the other way.

you just got to learn a bit o linux to use a Deck in any advanced manner, is all. that was pretty clever trick for figuring it out but not knowing what you're doing, well done! :devilskiss:
Originally posted by Death Approaches:
sparky, Decks are a "real" OS, linux, and / is proper for pathing since mainframes and COBOL, not Microsoft's corrupted way just to be different to obfuscate and confuse... the same way 'dir' is 'ls' (and in the realm of proprietary capitalism, let's not forget early Apple OS, where it was 'catalog') but if you get used to microsoft's using / as a command line command flag, it will drive you nuts at first, where linux is usually -x for short and --this_is_longform... and linux uses \ as an escape character, for inputting things that would be handled differently than you wanted; for example windows path with a space needs double quotes, 'dir "this directory here" ' and linux allows the same thing with 'ls "this directory here" ' the only real difference one is case-sensitive and windows is broken. but another way without the quotes is 'ls this\ directory\ here' to escape the space characters, implying they're part of the filename not whitespace separation.

MO2 is (normally!) a windows app so it'll want \ for pathing separators, but here's the thing to remember; if you're running it through proton, it's going to want windows paths as it's a windows app.

it's not weird at all, it's an intermix of OSes. just like Z: is a default wine mapping for the root of the whole system (subject to linux access control, not microsoft) if you allow it, seems decks do by default, that makes things easier, but it should not be hidden in the least, if you had done say 'protontricks 22380 shell' and then 'ls "../z\:/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/" it would have listed it in your linux console just as it would have in a wineconsole window the other way.

you just got to learn a bit o linux to use a Deck in any advanced manner, is all. that was pretty clever trick for figuring it out but not knowing what you're doing, well done! :devilskiss:
Okay Mr Linux Boy S. Ważniak. Take a look at these sources which invalidate what you've just spat out:



Ladez 30 Jan @ 7:53am 
Originally posted by BlindBat:
Originally posted by Death Approaches:
sparky, Decks are a "real" OS, linux, and / is proper for pathing since mainframes and COBOL, not Microsoft's corrupted way just to be different to obfuscate and confuse... the same way 'dir' is 'ls' (and in the realm of proprietary capitalism, let's not forget early Apple OS, where it was 'catalog') but if you get used to microsoft's using / as a command line command flag, it will drive you nuts at first, where linux is usually -x for short and --this_is_longform... and linux uses \ as an escape character, for inputting things that would be handled differently than you wanted; for example windows path with a space needs double quotes, 'dir "this directory here" ' and linux allows the same thing with 'ls "this directory here" ' the only real difference one is case-sensitive and windows is broken. but another way without the quotes is 'ls this\ directory\ here' to escape the space characters, implying they're part of the filename not whitespace separation.

MO2 is (normally!) a windows app so it'll want \ for pathing separators, but here's the thing to remember; if you're running it through proton, it's going to want windows paths as it's a windows app.

it's not weird at all, it's an intermix of OSes. just like Z: is a default wine mapping for the root of the whole system (subject to linux access control, not microsoft) if you allow it, seems decks do by default, that makes things easier, but it should not be hidden in the least, if you had done say 'protontricks 22380 shell' and then 'ls "../z\:/home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout New Vegas/" it would have listed it in your linux console just as it would have in a wineconsole window the other way.

you just got to learn a bit o linux to use a Deck in any advanced manner, is all. that was pretty clever trick for figuring it out but not knowing what you're doing, well done! :devilskiss:
Okay Mr Linux Boy S. Ważniak. Take a look at these sources which invalidate what you've just spat out:



Lol filthy casual can't get it working on that thing. I got it working no problem- uh... Oh... Well.. F u still... Past version of me... Wipersnapper.
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