Fallout: New Vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

Προβολή στατιστικών:
Streaming New Vegas
When I load the game up its fine but on my stream it only fills half the screen. How can i fix that? I've tried changing the settings when i first open the launcher but it still doesn't fill all the way. Thanks in advance
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Εμφάνιση 1-1 από 1 σχόλια
I'm assuming you don't have a modded game since you didn't mention it.

I'm gonna spitball an idea that could help this out. I think it's possible that if you ran the game in borderless windowed mode it may fix the display issue.

One Tweak [www.nexusmods.com] allows you to run the game in borderless windowed mode, which also allows you to alt-tab without a problem. This should fix your problem. Be aware that you will need to install xNVSE [www.nexusmods.com] for that to run.

You don't have to use a mod manager if all you have are those two mods, but if you do want one I'd recommend mod organizer 2.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Goblichadnezzar; 1 Φεβ, 22:58
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Εμφάνιση 1-1 από 1 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 30 Ιαν, 15:29
Αναρτήσεις: 1