No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

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ImNotFine 24 Oct, 2024 @ 7:19am
torn banner scrapped the TRUE nmrih2
i actually cant believe it but i saw 2 hours of old behind the scenes footage from 2021 for nmrih before torn banner acquired the game. the game was completely different. the actually had infection, child zombies, proper inventory and ammo system, 3 maps and more. it looked a bit scuff cause it was obviously still in the works but it looked like nmrih. same cant be said for what was released. when torn banner acquired the game, literally all of this was scrapped. i actually cant believe it. im literally staring at the game we could've had right now and it HURTS to know this game probably doesnt exist anymore and will never exist again. go ahead mods, close down my discussion. maybe this time you will delete it? it wont do a damn thing to change player and especially fan sentiment towards the sh*tty sequel. cant even take down the videos with false strikes as i have the videos downloaded and will reupload them till i f*ckin die. we just cant have good things anymore can we? just condemned to be a bitter man, knowing we could've had better. im so damn angry man
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Showing 1-15 of 75 comments
says theyve seen video proceeds to not link it
ImNotFine 24 Oct, 2024 @ 7:59am 
Originally posted by Your_Host_Cletus™:
says theyve seen video proceeds to not link it
didnt want to link it so it was harder for them to delete but here you go:
just keep in mind, this is early build. this is already leagues above what they put out and it wasnt even finished. imagine what we could've had if they did finish
Josko 24 Oct, 2024 @ 10:22am 
Yup this is miles better than we got. I'd pay 100$ for that version of nmrih2, not this crap we got.
ArmaLittle 24 Oct, 2024 @ 11:05am 
I have the same feeling, maybe there were signals we should have picked when Torn Banter showed up and started showing stuff but for years I believed this would be a sequel to the first game following the same principles and ideas, improving the gameplay and visuals beyond the limitations of the Source Engine.
I feel shocked to think that at some point the project changed so much and that wasn't clear. However, it's the like only explanation that makes sense to me. There is so much changed and so little in this EA that I struggle to believe that the game that released a few days ago has been in development for more than 2 to 3 years.

Maybe the sequel to the first game died at some point years ago, in silence, without us realizing. With how scarce communication has been throught development some of us are realizing this now. And I'm sad that the game I was so excited for probably doesn't exists like you said.

I hope at some point maybe a different team finds and likes the original nmrih and decides to make a proper spiritual sequel of it like what happened to SWAT 4 through Ready or Not.
Last edited by ArmaLittle; 27 Oct, 2024 @ 7:12pm
Vitriol 24 Oct, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
nmrih 1.5 is actually playable compared to the current nmrih 2 early access
ImNotFine 24 Oct, 2024 @ 6:23pm 
Originally posted by ArmaLittle:
I have the same feeling, maybe there were signals we should have picked when Torn Banter showed up and started showing stuff but for years I believed this would be a sequel to the first game following the same principles and ideas, improving the gameplay and visuals beyond's the limitations of the Source Engine.
I feel shocked to think that at some point the project changed so much and that wasn't clear. However, I feel like only that makes sense. There is so much changed and so little in this EA that I struggle to believe that the game that released a few days ago has been in development for more than 2 to 3 years.

Maybe the sequel to the first game died at some point years ago, in silence, without us realizing. With how scarce communication has been throught development some of us are realizing this now. And I'm sad that the game i was so excited for probably doesn't exists like you said.

I hope at some point some team sees this game and decides to make a proper spiritual sequel of it like what happened to SWAT 4 through Ready or Not.
yeah i hope fans or something decide to make a spiritual successor since the corpse of this series is never coming back from the dead. i love nmrih1 but nmrih2 was a chance to have this community grow big again... so disappointing. i honestly cant imagine what the original nmrih team are feeling right now. i dont even want to imagine it, it must be so painful to see their work butchered and humiliated
RODDYGINGER 25 Oct, 2024 @ 2:22am 
Didn't they scrap everything with a jump to UE5? They were developing NMRiH2 on UE4 for years I'm sure. Either way, it was a terrible decision
Stellifera 25 Oct, 2024 @ 5:15am 
Originally posted by RODDYGINGER:
Didn't they scrap everything with a jump to UE5? They were developing NMRiH2 on UE4 for years I'm sure. Either way, it was a terrible decision
They changed the direction also for extraction. Nothing of what was asked faithful with possible censorship.
BadWolf 25 Oct, 2024 @ 1:11pm 
Originally posted by ArmaLittle:
I have the same feeling, maybe there were signals we should have picked when Torn Banter showed up and started showing stuff but for years I believed this would be a sequel to the first game following the same principles and ideas, improving the gameplay and visuals beyond's the limitations of the Source Engine.
I feel shocked to think that at some point the project changed so much and that wasn't clear. However, I feel like only that makes sense. There is so much changed and so little in this EA that I struggle to believe that the game that released a few days ago has been in development for more than 2 to 3 years.

Maybe the sequel to the first game died at some point years ago, in silence, without us realizing. With how scarce communication has been throught development some of us are realizing this now. And I'm sad that the game i was so excited for probably doesn't exists like you said.

I hope at some point some team sees this game and decides to make a proper spiritual sequel of it like what happened to SWAT 4 through Ready or Not.

You didn't follow level games posts and torn banner's ones, did you? It was clear as day what they did but like most people noone cared to do a tiny bit of research to understand what is really going on. It took me like 3-4 hours to read and watch every post and video + some in depth research on torn banner. Lever games sold out and they thought the best way to say it,is to keep it a secret and a future big hype surprise for the fans, then they went silent for about 3 weeks or so and after the deal was done, they announced that torn banner is taking over and promised that the game will be much better now because they had the manpower and resources to do that(that is partially a lie from lever games or they were "tricked" into lesser positions after they sold out, we will never know). Part of lever games devs moved to torn banner as part of the deal (this is clearly a job security move by lever games,only if they knew better but this is the real world we live in), they scraped what lever games was working on for about 7-8 years and started from nothing but the zombie survival extraction theme.

Nmrih 2 is in development for arguably 2 years in total, the original devs have taken a back seat in the development now and the game is made by people who don't understand what made the first one a hit. There was no infection,children etc planned for nmrih 2 by torn banner. They only decided to make changes 2-3 weeks before the planned release because of the backlash they received from the community when they started to release info/videos of what the actual game is about hence why the game is an empty shell now and looks more like a generic zombie survival game. They also went back on their promise that the game will be relative cheap on launch,30 euro for something like this is not cheap, but i would ask you to check the price tags world wide from the official charts. They have a 50% increase in price in the areas their main consumers are and most of the original fans are located.

Torn banner has been doing damage control for the past month now, deleting comments that point out that this has nothing to do with the original game and in general negative comments. They even sent me a warning for saying what the devs themselves have said publicly word to word( the irony). Anything they can do to get that warm money from uninformed/misinformed potential customers. Just like the OP said i don't care if they delete my comments or send me warnings, the FACTS are the truth and i will keep saying it, with or without their freedom of speech oppression.
Golf 25 Oct, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
Originally posted by ArmaLittle:
I have the same feeling, maybe there were signals we should have picked when Torn Banter showed up and started showing stuff but for years I believed this would be a sequel to the first game following the same principles and ideas, improving the gameplay and visuals beyond's the limitations of the Source Engine.
I feel shocked to think that at some point the project changed so much and that wasn't clear. However, I feel like only that makes sense. There is so much changed and so little in this EA that I struggle to believe that the game that released a few days ago has been in development for more than 2 to 3 years.

Maybe the sequel to the first game died at some point years ago, in silence, without us realizing. With how scarce communication has been throught development some of us are realizing this now. And I'm sad that the game i was so excited for probably doesn't exists like you said.

I hope at some point some team sees this game and decides to make a proper spiritual sequel of it like what happened to SWAT 4 through Ready or Not.
the limitation is Unreal Engine, not Source. There's still hope for a comunity remake once the Source 2 engine is released to modders.
n0vez-k 25 Oct, 2024 @ 8:21pm 
I hope they lower the price to 10 or 12 because I'm not going to pay 30 for that game I already had with the bad experience helldivers2 gave me
Warhead 26 Oct, 2024 @ 12:32am 
Originally posted by ImNotFine:
Originally posted by Your_Host_Cletus™:
says theyve seen video proceeds to not link it
didnt want to link it so it was harder for them to delete but here you go:
just keep in mind, this is early build. this is already leagues above what they put out and it wasnt even finished. imagine what we could've had if they did finish
idk man... looks like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ version of what the current game is lol
Stellifera 26 Oct, 2024 @ 3:53am 
Originally posted by Warhead:
Originally posted by ImNotFine:
didnt want to link it so it was harder for them to delete but here you go:
just keep in mind, this is early build. this is already leagues above what they put out and it wasnt even finished. imagine what we could've had if they did finish
idk man... looks like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ version of what the current game is lol
Looks don’t matter as long as it has the original faithful properties and has the on-vision going of what made the game unique going forward as they worked on it. I’d take this over whatever Torn Banner released any day.
JOKIN MADNESS 26 Oct, 2024 @ 9:57am 
Is possible for the original devs to have some kind of copy of their work and release it with a different name?

Or thats totally impossible under their agreement and contracts with CuckBanner?
Analog Horror Freak 26 Oct, 2024 @ 10:22am 
Originally posted by JOKIN MADNESS:
Is possible for the original devs to have some kind of copy of their work and release it with a different name?

Or thats totally impossible under their agreement and contracts with CuckBanner?

Since Torn Banner now owns NMRIH, I doubt it will ever be possible. They would shut it down before it even got off the ground.

It's over, boys.
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