No More Room in Hell

No More Room in Hell

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Need Help with Custom Viewmodel Textures Not Loading in NMRiH
Hello, lately, i've been attempting to add custom viewmodel arms to NMRiH with textures that won’t load in-game despite correct setup steps. Here’s a breakdown of the setup and what you’ve tried so far.

Project Setup:
Model Path: i've created a viewmodel (c_badass_arms.mdl) with a folder structure as follows (my custom viewmodel is labeled as 'prey'):

Model Path: <nmrih_folder>/custom/prey/models/arms
Material Path: <nmrih_folder>/download/materials/arms

QC File Configuration:
$modelname "arms/c_badass_arms.mdl"

$bodygroup "Prey"
studio "nmrih_prey_arms.smd"

$surfaceprop "weapon"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 1.12 -8.859 -9.059

$cdmaterials "models/arms/"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -5.64 -15.672 -18.117 23.358 17.912 0
VMT and VTF:

The .vmt file for the main texture (prey_arms_diff.vmt) includes the following information:
$basetexture "models/arms/prey_arms_diff"
$bumpmap "models/arms/prey_arms_normal"
$halflambert "1"
$detail "models/arms/prey_arms_blood"
$detailblendmode 2
$detailblendfactor 0.0
$detailscale 1.0
$detailrotation 0.0
"detailcount" "3"
"source" "player"
Both .vmt and .vtf files are in the folder download/materials/nmrih_prey.

Troubleshooting Steps Taken:
Verified Folder and File Paths multiple times: Confirmed that paths in the QC and VMT files match the actual file structure.
Cleared Cache Files: Deleted any .mdl.cache and temporary files in the NMRiH folder that could interfere with new models and materials.
Simplified Setup Test: Attempted a simplified path setup with minimal VMT configuration but still experienced the issue.

If anyone has experience with NMRiH custom models and textures, any insights would be appreciated. It’s unclear if there’s a subtle setting or a specific NMRiH requirement for custom materials in the custom or download folders and i mostly expect this to be just a mere issue (due to the fact that i am totally new to this). Thank you!