Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

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Next Beta Soon, what will you aim for?
Last beta I didn't really have time to explore all the weapons a little more, so definitely gonna do that! I do wish we got the updated weapon abilities for the next beta instead of having to wait for release though to test the changes.
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Showing 1-15 of 56 comments
Fraktal 25 Jan @ 10:23am 
Yea I would advise against testing out IG/Swax/SnS/Lance.

I'll try longsword and horn.
Dr. Raven 25 Jan @ 10:33am 
I want to use this beta to test/pratice perfect guarding for CB and seeing how viable it's counter attacks are.
Last edited by Dr. Raven; 25 Jan @ 10:33am
I'm thinking about the lance, as it is a more defensive weapon vs the gunlance, as i'm really thinking about a tank playstyle.

Maybe a bow with the lance would be fun too. for status effects.
Yuria Yeen 25 Jan @ 12:15pm 
Originally posted by Fraktal:
Yea I would advise against testing out IG/Swax/SnS/Lance.

I'll try longsword and horn.

Yeah, its frustrating but those definitely off my list of weapons to test, because their gonna be different in full release. Overall I kind of want to be a HBG Main like I was in MH World before Iceborne.

Originally posted by Dr. Raven:
I want to use this beta to test/pratice perfect guarding for CB and seeing how viable it's counter attacks are.

Ah I am so bad at this. XD Mastering perfect guard is hard, but I love the CB!

Originally posted by zmanbuilder:
I'm thinking about the lance, as it is a more defensive weapon vs the gunlance, as i'm really thinking about a tank playstyle.

Maybe a bow with the lance would be fun too. for status effects.

Actually not a bad idea at all for a combo. I haven't figured out what I'll mainly use as a secondary weapon yet, probably hammer so I can do that KO damage.
Carrying on with the bow as I did with Worlds. I'm more about exploring the map during the next beta and also refining my character's look ready for release.
Originally posted by Delta Green:
Carrying on with the bow as I did with Worlds. I'm more about exploring the map during the next beta and also refining my character's look ready for release.

Can understand that, worlds map was gorgeous and even the desert in this one looks super nice. Can't wait till we see more environments. I like to indulge in both. XD
Originally posted by Delta Green:
Carrying on with the bow as I did with Worlds. I'm more about exploring the map during the next beta and also refining my character's look ready for release.

I was also thinking about finalizing my characters looks, though i'd rather explore with the full release.
just gonna perfect my hunting waifu
Originally posted by zmanbuilder:
Originally posted by Delta Green:
Carrying on with the bow as I did with Worlds. I'm more about exploring the map during the next beta and also refining my character's look ready for release.

I was also thinking about finalizing my characters looks, though i'd rather explore with the full release.

I've preordered the Premium Deluxe Edition and there are additional cosmetics coming with that, so I'm hoping on release we can update what we've created during the beta.
I will be trying out DB/GS/LS/Bow/HBG to figure out what I want to main in the base game. HBG is for the lolz. My prediction is I’ll end up using the bow or dual blades with long sword and great sword following. They’ll all be played eventually in the base game.
Soren 26 Jan @ 12:44am 
I might work on my keybinds before anything else. Then take a screenshots of all the settings so I don't spend close to an hour redo'ing and testing the feel of all the controls on launch. Always such a hassle. Why they can't port over your keybinds with the character data is beyond me.
Wallaby 26 Jan @ 12:53am 
Taking my time in character creator, trying out all the weapons to find my main, exploring the environment and look for little creatures.
M.V.Petra 26 Jan @ 12:54am 
Probably hunt Gypceros a few times and Rey Dau again, with the usual weapon line up. Dual Blades, HBG, LBG, Charge Blade. Maybe IG, but I dunno. Also Swax/Hammer/Gunlance possibly, depending on time
I aim to see the beta running in Linux.
Originally posted by Yuria Yeen:
Last beta I didn't really have time to explore all the weapons a little more, so definitely gonna do that! I do wish we got the updated weapon abilities for the next beta instead of having to wait for release though to test the changes.

just getting better with LS honestly and maybe trying DB again they felt so slow last beta
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Showing 1-15 of 56 comments
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Date Posted: 25 Jan @ 9:39am
Posts: 56