Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

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Expectations of series veterans
what do you guys think about this entry. I think gen 5 was pretty weak. And I wouldn't hold my breath that this is going to fix it, but perhaps I'm being too pessimistic.

Given this is essentially the anniversary title, I'd wish for something like XX, but the odds are pretty low I'd say.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Arakamir 30 Jan @ 6:06am 
This is not an anniversary title. No idea where you read that. The whole game was datamined and pieced together from the beta files.

We're looking at another world style game .
I'm hopeful, the beta was fun, but they really dumbed things down since Gen 5 and we have to accept that. I just don't use things like infinite access to the entirety of my item box while on a hunt.
Shield (Banned) 30 Jan @ 6:31am 
Well, nobody hates Monster Hunter more than MH fans, so...
Fraktal 30 Jan @ 7:01am 
Originally posted by Scipo0419:
I'm hopeful, the beta was fun, but they really dumbed things down since Gen 5 and we have to accept that. I just don't use things like infinite access to the entirety of my item box while on a hunt.

Must not have played bowguns in Rise.

Lmao what a joke needing to refill ele ammo once or twice on certain high level hunts.

I fully support the charges in Wilds.
Originally posted by Fraktal:
Originally posted by Scipo0419:
I'm hopeful, the beta was fun, but they really dumbed things down since Gen 5 and we have to accept that. I just don't use things like infinite access to the entirety of my item box while on a hunt.

Must not have played bowguns in Rise.

Lmao what a joke needing to refill ele ammo once or twice on certain high level hunts.

I fully support the charges in Wilds.
I did play Bowgun in Rise, less than in World admittedly, but I just did what I'd do in 4th Gen and bring supplies to craft more. If I ran out, I'd use whatever ammo I had left to finish the hunt. I don't bring my entire home with me when I go camping, why would I bring the entirety of my item box to go hunting?
Fraktal 30 Jan @ 7:16am 
Originally posted by Scipo0419:
Originally posted by Fraktal:

Must not have played bowguns in Rise.

Lmao what a joke needing to refill ele ammo once or twice on certain high level hunts.

I fully support the charges in Wilds.
I did play Bowgun in Rise, less than in World admittedly, but I just did what I'd do in 4th Gen and bring supplies to craft more. If I ran out, I'd use whatever ammo I had left to finish the hunt. I don't bring my entire home with me when I go camping, why would I bring the entirety of my item box to go hunting?

You could only craft so much. And when playing coop (and were doing the lion’s share of the damage) you ran out of mats quickly.
i think wilds has potential
Originally posted by Fraktal:
Originally posted by Scipo0419:
I did play Bowgun in Rise, less than in World admittedly, but I just did what I'd do in 4th Gen and bring supplies to craft more. If I ran out, I'd use whatever ammo I had left to finish the hunt. I don't bring my entire home with me when I go camping, why would I bring the entirety of my item box to go hunting?

You could only craft so much. And when playing coop (and were doing the lion’s share of the damage) you ran out of mats quickly.
Exactly as it should be. You can't carry an ammo store with you when you're going deer hunting, nor could you carry hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition out to a base camp without doing multiple trips to the vehicle that carried it all.

I'm fine with QoL, I love the infinite pickaxes and whetstones (after all a real whetstone can be used thousands of times and a pickaxe *can* break, but it's unlikely) but this whole "Walmart full of supplies in your tent every time you go out to hunt" is too much for my suspension of disbelief. I'm fine that it's there for people who want to use it, but I won't. I also don't change my gear for multi-monster hunts or swap weapons if I forgot to change before the hunt, you know how things worked in Gen 1-4 preparation is key and I like to keep my hunting that way.
JPM岩 30 Jan @ 9:55am 
Originally posted by Arakamir:
This is not an anniversary title. No idea where you read that. The whole game was datamined and pieced together from the beta files.

We're looking at another world style game .
It's not even World style, it's closer to Rise or older games.
it looks great lol you could imagine world as a prototype game lacking in a lot of ways albeit still a good game, and so far this looks like a more polished, straight upgrade in every single aspect, how could you not be excited for it?
Unlike newer entries, Generations Ultimate does not hold the player’s hand. There are no scoutflies guiding you to monsters, no easy mobility mechanics, and no overly generous hitboxes. The game forces players to memorize monster patterns, properly prepare for hunts, and refine their dodging and positioning to survive. This makes every hunt feel like an earned victory, rather than a predictable grind.

The AI is more aggressive, making monster fights longer and more intense. This game requires players to be patient, adapt, and master their weapons, creating an experience that is far more rewarding than simply chaining flashy moves with modern mechanics.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 5:39am
Posts: 11