Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

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i'm worried and hyped about this game.
The game is so close by and i'm seeing all the hate and all the hype. Will it be a flop? Will it be a hit? i don't even know anymore. Im dying to get this game.

I have a prebuilt pc. i bought it last christmas and its way better than my old pc, which had a 1660 Super and a Ryzen 5 3600.
\/ My Rig Now \/
RTX 4060 8 GB
i5 13400F
and soon 32 GB of ddr5 ram. (I have 16 gb rn)

You guys think i can run the full release at Low/Med settings? Maybe even high if it's actually going to be optimized? 1080p? Fullscreen?
If not i might have to pick up a Xbox Series X cuz the Negative comments i see in these discussions are really making me nervous about this game as time passes by.
Last edited by Essence; 30 Jan @ 10:23am
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who the heck is hating? im pretty sure willing to bet my dog on it that its all BS

you can absolutely run the game on med or high i have a booty 3060 ti with a 5700x if my crapbox can your fine
I'll get my monies worth easily out of this game, particularly since I paid nothing for it :csdsmile:

I think you'll be fine with a mix of low/medium settings at 1080p, maybe even some set to high. That said, don't base performance on next week's Open Beta 2, as it is the same as the previous build. I fully expect a better working product at launch.
Scipo0419 30 Jan @ 11:28am 
The only hate I've seen is bait threads or people not understanding that the beta is not representative of the final product.
Originally posted by Scipo0419:
The only hate I've seen is bait threads or people not understanding that the beta is not representative of the final product.
I don't care what CAPCOM says, Dragon's Dogma 2 exists as the counterexample to whatever sweet little lies they can try and tell.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 10:22am
Posts: 4