Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds

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What's the point of lobbies?
The only time I use a lobby is if I'm playing with someone I know, in which case a 4 person lobby would be sufficient. When I play with randoms it's always through the SOS feature, which makes the lobby system rather pointless, no one ever joins quests from the lobby in my experience.
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Showing 1-15 of 40 comments
JPM岩 30 Jan @ 6:00pm 
That's what I've been asking, why have lobbies if SOS just kills off the need. Unless the lobbies themselves are set up like Frontier, where there's a whole ass carnival, there's no point to em with SOS being an end all. I preferred them in Rise.
Shared area, if you see someone fighting a monster in the wilds, you can just join in, no sos needed.
Xaelon 30 Jan @ 6:34pm 
The Lobby serves the same purpose as the Gathering Hub did in previous games: a way to find and join hunts with random players.

If you only play solo or with your friends, then yes, a 4 person lobby would would be all that's required.

Not everyone wants to play solo OR has a group to play with though which is why public lobbies exist.

As you can probably imagine being able to join a room with around a 100 other players would make it much easier to find other folks to hunt with. Additionally since hunts are posted to the quest board automatically and people can join in-progress hunts without being directly invited (as there is no longer a load screen between hub and hunt area in Wilds) the entire process is way more seamless than it was previous games.
JPM岩 30 Jan @ 7:46pm 
Originally posted by Xaelon:
The Lobby serves the same purpose as the Gathering Hub did in previous games: a way to find and join hunts with random players.

If you only play solo or with your friends, then yes, a 4 person lobby would would be all that's required.

Not everyone wants to play solo OR has a group to play with though which is why public lobbies exist.

As you can probably imagine being able to join a room with around a 100 other players would make it much easier to find other folks to hunt with. Additionally since hunts are posted to the quest board automatically and people can join in-progress hunts without being directly invited (as there is no longer a load screen between hub and hunt area in Wilds) the entire process is way more seamless than it was previous games.
Except, SOS does everything that you listed. You find and join hunts with random players. SOS actually offers a wider pool of options for quests to join than even 100 players in one lobby. You can join in progress hunts via SOS. SOS makes lobbies outdated.
Also, how many people can you get in a MHWorlds lobby? Now how often do you actually see that many people in one lobby. We're going to get a bunch of 100 perosn lobbies and they'll never be full either. Or they will for the first like week, and then once it dies down, you'll be lucky to get 50 people.
JPM岩 30 Jan @ 9:31pm 
Originally posted by M.V.Petra:
Also, how many people can you get in a MHWorlds lobby? Now how often do you actually see that many people in one lobby. We're going to get a bunch of 100 perosn lobbies and they'll never be full either. Or they will for the first like week, and then once it dies down, you'll be lucky to get 50 people.
World is 16 people, which at least has a use with seiges. But hopefully theres no 100 man seiges in Wilds, or seiges in general.
ominumi 30 Jan @ 10:57pm 
The purpose of lobbies is to cluster players together. Makes it easier on server side to put up SOS and other connections. No one enjoys going through 4 pages of rathalos listing when looking up SOS flares.
i do think the what 100 people in a shared hub ? doesnt really matter at all i dont see the point of it other than just seeing other players when your in town
JPM岩 30 Jan @ 11:46pm 
Originally posted by ominumi:
The purpose of lobbies is to cluster players together. Makes it easier on server side to put up SOS and other connections. No one enjoys going through 4 pages of rathalos listing when looking up SOS flares.
Now its just one, really long page.
M.V.Petra 30 Jan @ 11:58pm 
Originally posted by ominumi:
The purpose of lobbies is to cluster players together. Makes it easier on server side to put up SOS and other connections. No one enjoys going through 4 pages of rathalos listing when looking up SOS flares.
I mean, you have filters, I usually set it to event quests only because that's what I'm looking for.
Lobbies are only a requirement in beta? At launch If they stop players who don't care about lobbies from making private ones, then I'll have a problem.

Additional players on your screen are just extra CPU and GPU resources in a game that runs like a steaming pile of doo doo even on hardware above the recommended.
Last edited by AH-1 Cobra; 31 Jan @ 2:46am
Deadkold 31 Jan @ 3:11am 
I joined quests all the time in the beta, it's so seamless and awesome having 100 people. It reminds me of OG MORPGS like PSO
ominumi 31 Jan @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by M.V.Petra:
Originally posted by ominumi:
The purpose of lobbies is to cluster players together. Makes it easier on server side to put up SOS and other connections. No one enjoys going through 4 pages of rathalos listing when looking up SOS flares.
I mean, you have filters, I usually set it to event quests only because that's what I'm looking for.
I see you weren't here during World's hey day. Imagine 1000 people in the server. 1 person post an SOS flare. 900 try to get into the quest with only 3 slots. 897 players default to, "Fail to connect." Let's just hope Wilds don't have any more USJ event quests.
Fraktal 31 Jan @ 7:25am 
To spam nonstop goon/inappropriate stickers in lobby chat.

At least that was my observation in first beta.
Hero 31 Jan @ 11:36am 
SOS doesn't negate the need for lobbies. Sure you can join an SOS and do a quest, but what if you want to play with that same group again? SOS doesn't solve that. Lobbies do. If you liked the group you were with, join their lobby and continue playing with them. That's how I found the regulars that I play with today. I don't know any of the online players in real life. We just have fun playing together.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 5:46pm
Posts: 40