Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

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Keebz 26 Oct, 2013 @ 10:35pm
Ending? [Spoilers]
Friends, I just finished Brothers, and I feel cheated in a sense because of the sadness of the ending. Now I know that not all stories have happy endings. But it's more of a matter of consistency. The game is so beautiful & magical up until the moment with the weird spider girl (what was up with that?) and from then on it just completely, in my opinion, changed "consistency" which (for me at least) brought me totally out of the experience and distanced me emotionally from the game, rather than bringing me closer to it in the way Journey for the PS3 did. Rather than lingering feelings of "WOW, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL piece of art!" all I can manage to think is "how sad..."

As I was playing the beginning of the game, I had the desire to play and replay this game. I was certain it was quite possibly becoming one of my favorite games of ALL TIME, which is saying A LOT! I don't know that I could bring myself to run through it again now knowing how it turns out. Where is the motivation? I know now that no uplifting feelings will come from it in the end.

I guess that is why I feel cheated in a sense. And I know some people are completely satisfied with the ending. But whether it's good or bad, most people I think prefer to see an ending that is at least somewhat happy. I hope these developers keep making games that are as artistic as this one. My only plea is..please, don't let me get so attached and then rip everything out from under me in the future. Let's see some happy endings too.
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McQuiggle 27 Oct, 2013 @ 2:02am 
The game was all about death and being able to cope with it, though. Beginning with their dead Mother, the journey is to save their dying Father. There's a lot of disturbing imagery regarding the hanging bodies in the forest, the man who you find hanging himself next to the burnt down house and... dead bodies. Then there's of course, the valley of dead giants that you basically need to mutilate to get through.

It all ties together, and the older brother dying seals it. The section where you still need to use his interaction key to finish the final stretch was very well done because of this.
Last edited by McQuiggle; 27 Oct, 2013 @ 2:03am
Pinky226 27 Oct, 2013 @ 7:19am 
Loved the ending. The part where you have to channel your dead brother's strength was simply stunning. While it was certainly a sad ending, it was also very uplifting because it shows that we can find strength in others even after they pass and move on.
{PHSN} s3bsta 28 Oct, 2013 @ 2:16am 
Yeah I totally get what you mean. I definately put this game up there with Journey creatively and thought it was refreshingly awesome as Journey was. While I can understand the creative expression they were trying to convey I guess with the reality of life I prefer any tragedy to be ended with a more uplifting sense of hope or something. But this does end on a pretty tragic open note. I think for me it seemed even more tragic as the father and son didn't even seem bonded together stronger because of it. It really did seem like the boy was all alone.

I didn't find the spider I surprise for some reason as thru the game I got the sense of being double crossed at some point. Maybe it was subconsciously the darker side of things you see on the way.
Keebz 28 Oct, 2013 @ 7:14pm 
Originally posted by s3bsta:
Yeah I totally get what you mean. I definately put this game up there with Journey creatively and thought it was refreshingly awesome as Journey was. While I can understand the creative expression they were trying to convey I guess with the reality of life I prefer any tragedy to be ended with a more uplifting sense of hope or something. But this does end on a pretty tragic open note. I think for me it seemed even more tragic as the father and son didn't even seem bonded together stronger because of it. It really did seem like the boy was all alone.

I didn't find the spider I surprise for some reason as thru the game I got the sense of being double crossed at some point. Maybe it was subconsciously the darker side of things you see on the way.

Agreed, the way that it shows the father weeping and the boy standing off to the side all alone could have been replaced with something at least a little more uplifting and the entire lasting impression of the game would have been ENTIRELY different for me. Interesting how that works.
{PHSN} s3bsta 28 Oct, 2013 @ 7:55pm 
Yeah its such a shame really as it also makes me hesitant to recommend it because of that even though it's such a brillant game in all other respects.
Dusky 8 Nov, 2013 @ 12:58am 
I actually felt the same way. I was so immersed in this games atmosphere and beauty and the tenderness between the two brothers. I'm torn, because a part of me applauds the ballsy nature of not taking the easier, happy ending route. The stronger feeling I'm left with though is the exact feeling you described; one of betrayal. For me personally, I think this just wasn't what I needed right now. I had immersed myself in this game to bring myself out of a darkly bad mood and was truly enjoying it. I'm dealing with both personal health issues and the death of my mother, who passed away at age 49 from cancer. Being hit with this ending felt like an arrow through my heart. I was fully intending on playing the game again to pick up the achievements I'd missed and walk through the environments again, but now I doubt I'll ever want to look at it again, which is a real shame. This game is beautiful, and up until the 'spider' scene I probably would have put it on a list of my favorites.

I was left with this extreme sense of disbelief that all the beauty I had witnessed came to close on what felt like such a pointless end. Yes, we're left with the younger brother being stronger, but honestly after the burial scene I kind of wanted to throw down my controller. I was really hoping for some kind of alternate ending, it would have been a great reward for going back through the game if you got a secret ending for collecting all the achievements or something like that. I don't know. Maybe I'm just in a place where I can't handle death, and I'm willing to admit that.
{PHSN} s3bsta 8 Nov, 2013 @ 1:36am 
Hey dero. Really sorry to hear about your mother. Yeah I just hope they read some of the feedback and think about changing it or at least giving the player the ability to achieve a more uplifting end story maybe thru ones choices near the end. At least then it doesn't have to be such a tragic and uninspiring end to it.
McQuiggle 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:38am 
Originally posted by s3bsta:
Hey dero. Really sorry to hear about your mother. Yeah I just hope they read some of the feedback and think about changing it or at least giving the player the ability to achieve a more uplifting end story maybe thru ones choices near the end. At least then it doesn't have to be such a tragic and uninspiring end to it.

I found it every bit inspiring. The whole point of the game seems to be displaying the reality of how harsh life is, through a fantasy setting. The ending is showing the need to have the strength to move on despite all that's happened.

I can understand some people not being in the best state of mind for a depressing piece of fiction though. As much as I can empathize, I'd never hope to see the vision of a game like this changed.
Last edited by McQuiggle; 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:39am
The Guardian 8 Nov, 2013 @ 11:57am 
Hello, I too found myself deeply affected by this game and now I'm working on forcing myself to go for another playthrogh. For few days after finishing this game I was actually really sad but thinking of it afterward, it isn't that bad.

As the eldest brother in the family I pretty naturally felt strong reletion and sympathy toward the elder brother and as the one who (arguably) payed the ultimate and maybe the worst price of the quest, it was a succuess. His brother will have a father and when they will get over the death he will be able to fish with him as the elder brother did.
A brother is not a father and while he could protect his little brother I think he knew he cannot father him he simply doesn't have the experince to do so, and he was blessed with more time with their mother and father.

This fact: that I can assume so much about the charcters and think so deeply about this game is for me really a good enough reason to recommend this game to anyone who is maybe in the right "state of mind" for this kind of experince. (and dero please have my greatest sympathy, I too lost a realitve only few days ago.)
At the bottom line I really found this game a worthwhile (if sad) experince and as I would ofc prefer a good ending it's very noteably not a child's game and it's about life and life are some times this way so I, personnaly never really felt cheated, only enchanted, and sad although I can see why some of you guys did :) it is and (in my opinion) forever will be a great, great game.
Last edited by The Guardian; 8 Nov, 2013 @ 11:58am
Pr1ns 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:06pm 
personally I loved the ending
I didn't see the younger brother in the end as being alone, he has already dealt with the initial blow, at the end he has a acceptance and a understanding that he has to continue. It's a story about moving on. And i felt like the younger brother would be rather able to move on. And him being able to move on is a beautifull image for me.

Also wanted to say i'm sorry for your loss dero_chan

a great interview i came across, that also entails why Josef fares wanted to tell this story
Last edited by Pr1ns; 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:20pm
h-arlequim 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:49pm 
Death is the main thematic in the game - the brother's demise made sense. Not only that, but it was only because he died that they managed to do what I personally consider one of the best feats in videogame storytelling: you had been playing for three hours using both hands, and at the end you only need to use one - it feels odd. Not only that, but the moment you need to swim, using the left hand - which you'd been controlling the older brother with up to now - comes back into play. Just fantastic.

I agree it's not a particularly uplifting tale, specially with the ending - but not all stories have entirely happy endings. It doesn't help that throughout the entire game you're accostumed to seeing the brothers as two halves of a whole, and how in several moments they interact with each other (one saves the other, hugs, chastises, etc.), but if anything it helps deliver a bigger impact when the older brother dies.
Last edited by h-arlequim; 8 Nov, 2013 @ 7:49pm
Moskibear 8 Nov, 2013 @ 8:58pm 
Throughout the game you encounter a lot of grim scenes, but despite that it seems to be deceptively uplifting, I can imagine you do feel betrayed. Despite this, I must say I felt very weird once I saw that girl jump across with ease, I knew something was wrong with her!
UniQueLyEviL 14 Feb, 2014 @ 9:33pm 
I just beat was an incredible game...that ending....i'm about to cry. I'm pretty stunned. Earlier on, as soon as we prevented that guy from hanging himself I remarked "Wow...this game is simultaneously beautiful and incredible but also pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ morbid."

I can't believe this. I'M SO SAD...I wonder if there will be a sequel involving where the younger brother takes off. It's like everything that he experienced in his life was shaping him up to be a hero of sorts.

Someone hold me...;_;

Beautiful game. It really exceeded my expectations.Genuinely moved.
piripiago 20 Feb, 2014 @ 10:23pm 
I probably would have felt it was sadder if it were not for all of the cheap deaths then resets I had leading up to the end. I became painfully aware of being pulled out of the mood starting with the a bunch of clumsy glider deaths, only to have the game reset back at the dock ready for me to launch the glider again. I started with what I thought was the straight path, went through the cave, then straight again towards the castle, but the glider fell apart before I could get there. Died. Game resets. So then I started trying all kinds of stupid things. I banked hard right immediately after launching. Died. Game resets. Tried going deeper into the cave. Died. Game resets. Tried going all the way to the right when leaving the cave. Died. Game resets. Tried left. Died. Game resets. Repeated a couple times. Died. Game resets. Finally, I try what I did the first time again and ... I make it? I did exaclty what I did for my first and fifth attempts, but now I inexplicably make it. aaAAHH!!

Several times when swingy and climbing over precipices my fingers would be cramping up from holding the shoulder buttons so long. So I would try to see if I really needed to hold down the button constantly. Yep, I let go and the brother suicides. Died. Game resets.

Approaching the final cave, and it is obvious that there is something wrong from all the scattered corpses bound in spider web, but I can't do anything but go forward. The spider attacks. I fight while trying to find a way out. Died. Game rese... wait... NO RESET? urgh. Ending feels really stupid after all the pointless deaths and resets already throughout the game.

I did like twist with the buttons at the end. Pressing the older brother's shoulder button during the burial causes the controller to vibrate and the younger brother to break down into a heap and cry. Then after the burial, when you press the older brother's shoulder button, the younger brother is able to build up his courage and strength to get past obstacles that he couldn't get past before. Using the controller in this way was really moving. But I was still more frustrated than saddened. Maybe I need to replay it now that I know the answers to the puzzles, although I did several of the puzzles correctly the first time and still died anyway so I dunno.
Last edited by piripiago; 20 Feb, 2014 @ 10:32pm
Evil Apple 24 Feb, 2014 @ 11:12am 
I am also was desperate about ending. Why, why no happy finale? Making sad endings has become a mainstream in video games. And while this one is beatifull, I really desired more happy narrative
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