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tuna 1 Sep, 2021 @ 1:45am
Update has messed up resolution
Pretty much title.

I've been able to play this game without issue over the last week or two but last recently the game has been updated (last night when I logged in Steam was updating Primordia).

When I launched the game there are two launch options now I think they're 'launch Primordia' and 'Windowed' both of which don't work (the resolution is FAR too big)

it looks like this;

direct link;

I've tried launch options to change the resolution and flagging it to be windowed but these don't work either. I've found what I assume were the settings ('acsetup.cfg'?) however changing the game_width= to 800 and game_height= to 600 hasn't changed anything either.

Is there a way to revert back to the previous version of the game somehow?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
James Spanos  [developer] 1 Sep, 2021 @ 4:22am 
I would look for acsetup.cfg in your harddrive and change windowed to 1 inside it, I'm not sure which one your distribution is using (either the acsetup.cfg in installlation folder or the acsetup.cfg in where the savegames are).

If changing all acsetup.cfg's that could be owned by primordia doesn't do it, then I suggest running Primordia via the terminal. Running or ./Primordia is the same.

Once you manage to get the game running in windowed


A) game_scale_fs=max_round
B) game_scale_fs=stretch
C) game_scale_fs=proportional

After that you can add if it's not inside acsetup.cfg
screen_height=480 [these can be anything supported]
screen_width=720 [these can be anything supported]


A) game_scale_win=1
B) game_scale_win=2
C) game_scale_win=max_round
D) game_scale_win=proportional
E) game_scale_win=stretch

There is a way to revert back, I think if you change to Steam Play [Proton] it will download the Windows version.

If you set this

That means for instance if u set game_scale_win=1 then the game will run at a 320x200 window (because that's the native scale of the game)

but if you set screen_def=max
Then it will run a 320x200 pane of the game inside a max resolution possible window, hopefully that makes sense.
Last edited by James Spanos; 1 Sep, 2021 @ 4:33am
James Spanos  [developer] 1 Sep, 2021 @ 4:33am 
If you tell me how you want the game to look and what resolution you have on the screen you want the game to be in, i can help you set up the settings.
tuna 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:18pm 
Hi there James, thanks for getting back to me personally about this. Very grateful.

I was able to locate "acsetup.cfg", good news and bad news...

Good news I was able to change "game_scale_win=max_round" to "game_scale_win=1" which launches the game in a very small 320x200 window.

Bad news, none of the full screen suggestions fixed the issue; the resoultion is still -far- too big and I'm only getting the top left 25% of the screen.

One other *big* problem is ALL of my saves are missing? Besides Steam updating this game a few days ago and fiddling with the setup file just now I've done nothing to the game file. So is there any chance you know what happened to my saves :(?

Thanks again for getting back to me.. in answer to your question Ideally windowed or fullscreen at either 800x600 or 1920x1080 (as that is what I was playing with before).

Thanks again for your time
James Spanos  [developer] 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:26pm 

I would try that for fullscreen.

For the windowed:
game_scale_win=3 [change 3 accordingly with 1 being super small, 2 being double of 1 and so on and so forth]

If you were running the Windows version with Proton before, then your saves will be at "~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/227000/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/primordia/". You should be able to copy them to "~/.local/share/ags/Primordia/" to get them to work with the Linux version.
tuna 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:53pm 
Hi again :)

sadly fullscreen and windowed give me much the same result. I snapped a screenshot of what windowed looks like (using the above options)

It seems my only option currently is to play it windowed at 320x200, which I can't do because my eyes ain't what they used to be! :p

I'm very grateful for your suggestions and help once again, I'll be going to bed soon so if I don't reply etc I'll be sure to catch you asap.

Thanks again!
James Spanos  [developer] 2 Sep, 2021 @ 3:30pm 
What's your distrib, i also think this might have something to do with opengl malfunctioning (not on your system per se, just how ags handles it)

Try setting driver to software see if it's the same
tuna 7 Sep, 2021 @ 2:30am 
Sorry for the delay in response,

My Distro is Manjaro Linux (built off Arch).

I was able to find my saves but upon copying them over whenever I try and load them from the in-game menu the game crashes..

Also, adding the flag "driver=Software" didn't make any noticeable difference to the issue with screen resolution.

I hope this doesn't come across as rude but I've somewhat lost interest in playing this game now, it's just become a bit of a headache for me. I'll maybe give it another bash in a year and see if anything has changed.

That being said, I do greatly appreciate your time and help on the matter, James.

James Spanos  [developer] 7 Sep, 2021 @ 10:14am 
Well, I want to help out of course, it runs fine on Manjaro on my end, even on the VM one.
If you want I can give u the old version back if you want, that will at least maintain the saves, also if you switch to proton instead of native your saves will work as well.
Last edited by James Spanos; 7 Sep, 2021 @ 10:33am
tuna 8 Sep, 2021 @ 4:26am 
Hey, I hope my previous message didn't come off as rude, grumpy or critical. I've no doubt I'm likely either doing something wrong or the issue is on my end and didn't want to cause frustration. Not to mention, usually when such a situation arises a 6 months waiting period normally 'fixes' the issue lol ^^

I've just used Proton version 6.3-6 and it's working fine again (saves and all) so I'll consider this issue solved.

Thanks again for your time and help James & while I have your attention congratulations on making such a fun and interesting game.

Kind regards.
Last edited by tuna; 8 Sep, 2021 @ 4:26am
James Spanos  [developer] 8 Sep, 2021 @ 6:26am 
Tuna, you're fine, we don't care for people that have troubles with our games, afraid they will refund or say to their friends the game is bad, we're afraid we've disappointed you and that we've fallen short. We are gamers ourselves, we want you guys to play our game and have a good time, and whatever disables that becomes a personal bet.

So no, you're not rude at all. Or have been. <3
Mark Y. @ Wormwood Studios  [developer] 8 Sep, 2021 @ 12:16pm 
Thanks, Tuna, so glad you enjoyed the game!
Magnum Garrett 26 Aug, 2024 @ 10:29am 
Hey, all. I know this is about screen resolution, but I can't find an appropriate thread about framerate and pacing issues after update, so please delete if this is not where this should be. I'm playing on a quarter 3, crowdfund-issue Steamdeck. I have no idea what that means in terms of software or hardware as compared to more recent models. I also have no current means of modding or configuring files on the Steamdeck and am not really comfortable trying if I could.

Primordia has been playing great. I downloaded it the Christmas I received the Deck, maybe two years ago, and didn't actually play it until I started playing my old games after my internet went out in my new apartment around ten days ago. I'd burned through some other short games, so I booted Primordia up for the first time last night and had invested a solid 3 hours in, and, saved, and turned it off to get dinner. When I came back, I found my Steamdeck connected to the hotel internet next door and automatically updated itself and all games onboard.

Now the dialogue, framerate, animations and story pacing are about .5x or 1.5x too fast. It's completely ruining the pacing of certain scenes, and frustrating me immensely. Some of the animations broke altogether. Can anyone tell me a fix or is there a patch or something to restore normal pacing and framerate?
James Spanos  [developer] 26 Aug, 2024 @ 11:19am 
I got you, give me a minute, Magnum.
James Spanos  [developer] 26 Aug, 2024 @ 11:26am 
You can opt into a beta branch (properties on Steamdeck)

1) password: wayoldprimordia Branch name: olderprimordia (2023 December)
2) password: olderprimordia Branch name: 351Primordia (2021 October)

If the issue [framerate] doesn't happen on a new game, just tell me where you are in the story, and I can send u a savegame!

EDIT: I'm not sure why that even happens tbh, it doesn't on my end, so it might be a hardware issue of sorts or an engine issue, but regardless, I'm quite sure that reverting to the first branch, probably will fix it!
Last edited by James Spanos; 26 Aug, 2024 @ 11:27am
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