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Player 24 Jul, 2024 @ 10:21pm
What's new with the recent patch?
Just got prompted to update Primordia just now, anyone know what's new?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
James Spanos  [developer] 25 Jul, 2024 @ 3:30am 
Hey sorry, there was a bug that was like really hard to get regarding a music track not playing on a specific interaction in a specific room [don't want to spoil the game]. Given that i'd prefer people not to be too curious and spoil themselves i figured cryptic patch notes don't really benefit anyone.
Player 25 Jul, 2024 @ 6:53am 
Originally posted by James Spanos:
Hey sorry, there was a bug that was like really hard to get regarding a music track not playing on a specific interaction in a specific room [don't want to spoil the game]. Given that i'd prefer people not to be too curious and spoil themselves i figured cryptic patch notes don't really benefit anyone.
Hey that's fair enough lol, I was just surprised to get an update. I love that you guys are still fixing small bugs here and there years after the game released. Cheers! :No1:
James Spanos  [developer] 25 Jul, 2024 @ 6:54am 
Yeah, no worries, of course and always happy to fix whatever issues arise or bug players!
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