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Oh_Man[TFE] 15 Dec, 2012 @ 1:32am
"We're All In This Together" & "The Three Musketeers" Are Bugged?

Couldn't get these achievements to pop for me, here is a screenshot of my endgame:

As you can see, all three musketeers are clearly present yet the achievement didn't pop. I actually redid a whole playthrough just to confirm this.

The robots I think are in this picture are, from left to right:
Crispin, Horatio, Gimbal, Clarity, Primer, 187th, Ever Faithful, Oswald, Rex, Cornelius, Crispin's Floater Girlfriend, & Leopold.

-Got the Hidden Reel.
-Passed Ever Faithful's test on the first try.
-Trapped Gamma and reactivated Goliath.
-Said Rex was "Factorbuiltbuilt" to appease Oswald and Cornelius.
-Gave Gimbal the operational motor (with copper wire).
-Showed 187th Legionbuilt the law paper and didn't let him sacrifice himself.
-Gave Primer the medal, but did not ask him for help.
-Collected all council tower numbers, then solved the code without help.
-Collected Crispin's personality matrix and Clarity's head.
-Unlocked my secret past, used the Thanatos virus on Scraper.

Also of note, which I believe is another bug, I noticed in a youtube video someone gets a conversation option to ask MetroMind about how Man died, where she reveals that she gased them. I could not get this conversation option to unlock even though I viewed my memories with the datapouch?
< >
Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
tanukitsune 15 Dec, 2012 @ 2:10am 
Weird, have you tried doing the ending in which you don't kill scraper and just use the welder on the core and leave? That's how I got it.
Mark Y.  [developer] 15 Dec, 2012 @ 7:14am 
Looking into this. Very odd.
Mark Y.  [developer] 15 Dec, 2012 @ 8:53am 
@ Oh_Man: Thanks for reporting these issues. Both have been resolved, we hope. We'll be pushing out a new patch fairly soon that resolves a bunch of glitches and contains a few enhancements.
non.horation 15 Dec, 2012 @ 7:47pm 
Did you do the little thing at the bar to get Oswald to stop drinking? That's the only thing I did that isn't in your list and the achievement popped for me.

EDIT: I also tried to give Gimbal the tape deck the time the achievement popped for me (it hadn't previously on a run where I used the virus on Scraper) but I don't know if that had an actual effect or not.
Last edited by non.horation; 15 Dec, 2012 @ 7:49pm
Oh_Man[TFE] 16 Dec, 2012 @ 7:45pm 
Well I just found out this game has a commentary mode so can't wait for the patch so I can do another playthrough!
The Aquatic Jew 2 Oct, 2024 @ 7:27pm 
Gonna resurrect this thread, because I saw a patch came last year that supposedly fixed this, yet I played through today and still, no achievements.

I followed this guide verbatim:

I believe (per @non.horation's comment) I also took the note and stole the oil, so that should have counted as well.
Last edited by The Aquatic Jew; 2 Oct, 2024 @ 7:35pm
The Aquatic Jew 3 Oct, 2024 @ 9:53am 
Ok, so let me update people here as this is going to be helpful. I replayed through the whole game, and I realized what my error was. Even if Primer does NOT help you with the code, but you ASK him about helping you (IE, when you don't have enough code pieces yet), this will still forfeit your ability to get these final two achievements. That was the only thing different, which in the first game, was a misclick.

That dude is one sensitive robot.
Mark Y. @ Wormwood Studios  [developer] 11 Oct, 2024 @ 9:47pm 
Interesting. Hard for me to say whether that's right or wrong behavior, but I'll go back to the dialogues and give a judge.
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