Euro Truck Simulator 2

Euro Truck Simulator 2

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Lane assist keep not working?
How the hell do you use Lane assist Keep mode? I've tried everything, and can i get it working? can i hell... my understanding is *based on YouTube video's* is
1. in settings, you disable Lane Assist Mode
2. You set a key for Lane Assist Mode
3. when driving at speed, you press the key you assigned, you then hear a beep indicating it's on

When i activate keep Lane Assist (well I think I am) it will Beep, which tells me I've enabled it, but then then truck doesn't stay in your lane. if may turn the wheel slightly but it only does this once and still goes into the next lane or steers into other vehicle.

I just can't get it working, i've tried changing the assistive steering in controls, but nothing.

I use a GeForce G29 feedback steering wheel, if this has any relevance.

any help appreciated, as i just want to use this new feature.
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If it reacts the first time you will have to steer back or it will go into the other side it's not an autostering device keep you hands on the wheel
But the whole point of lane assist keep mode is for it to automatically steer and keep you in your lane
Yes but you will have to take action it gives you an indication that your going the wrong way and that you must react to that , it's a saftey system. I use it to and it works perfect.
Last edited by rblaauwijkel; 27 May @ 8:18am
MacCekko 11 Jun @ 7:09pm 
Same here. I as well have a Logitech G29, and there is NO way I can use Lane Assistant whatsoever. The truck will simply continue straight. It will beep twice whenever it will 'sense' the breaking of the lane line (!!), but nothing more than that. I have watched videos on YT from people driving 'hands free' with their truck following the lane on their own, but I never managed to get it to work at all. I started with a profile filled with MODs and tried as well a different profile without a single MOD, literally 'vanilla', not even a paint job, but with no luck. Basically I have never witnessed my truck going on its own as shown, as said, in videos on YouTube.
Problem is, also, that there is no 'state' shown on the screen for this assistant, so I do not even know if the assistant is ON rather than OFF, apart from ther beeping when crossing a line, obviously.
In fact one thing I have learned, is that, should I activate it with the dedicated key, I would hear a BEEP-BEEP only and only if I am SLOWER than the minimum speed required for it to work, otherwise its activation will be completely silent. I have read within SCS Forums, somebody saying that it would be useful (if not even necessary) to reset the whole FFB system within the simulator, but I am not willing to do such a thing - because my FFB is very well fine tuned after a very long time consuming procedure - unless I am assured that after THAT, it will eventually work one hundred percent!
Anyway, any suggestions? Anyone?
Thank you,
Last edited by MacCekko; 11 Jun @ 7:16pm
ChengHao 11 Jun @ 8:35pm 
Originally posted by MacCekko:
Same here. I as well have a Logitech G29, and there is NO way I can use Lane Assistant whatsoever. The truck will simply continue straight. It will beep twice whenever it will 'sense' the breaking of the lane line (!!), but nothing more than that.
I think you mistakenly switched it to "reminder" mode, which is divided into 1. Warning sound effects when deviating 2. Warning sound effects when deviating "and correct your direction"
MacCekko 11 Jun @ 8:43pm 
No, no, I assure you. I chose the correct mode, I am sure of it! I tried in every possible way, it simply does not work, for me, at least...
But thanks for your kind help anyway. :)
Martin_v8 11 Jun @ 11:14pm 
Originally posted by MacCekko:
No, no, I assure you. I chose the correct mode, I am sure of it! I tried in every possible way, it simply does not work, for me, at least...
But thanks for your kind help anyway. :)
Still have not found a solution. same with you about the activation beep sound then check the gameplay settings and it shows that lane assist mode is activated but it just does not work. Nobody replied to scs forum so i give up. And I’m certainly not going to reinstall Logitech software in the hope it might fix it.
Ryu 12 Jun @ 5:14am 
This feature was not, nor was it ever presented as, "hands free" steering intended to steer the truck for you.

Lane Assist is not autonomous driving.

I've driven trucks that have this feature in real life. It doesn't maintain the lane on its own, rather, it continually "nudges" the wheel in the direction it thinks you should be going when it sees the line(s). Which is great fun in construction areas where the lines are all over the place! Not... Had to turn that "feature" off. Very unnerving.
Last edited by Ryu; 12 Jun @ 5:25am
MacCekko 12 Jun @ 7:42pm 
Originally posted by ~{DCMT}~ Ryu:
This feature was not, nor was it ever presented as, "hands free" steering intended to steer the truck for you.

Lane Assist is not autonomous driving.

Well, I believe you, man. I simply was saying that I watched recent YT videos in which users simply let trucks keep the center of the lane on their own, literally 'hands free', and in light of your post I cannot understand how they did it (or at least, so it seemed to my eyes; very likely it means then that I misunderstood the whole thing somehow. Irt's absolutely possible, if not even very likely! I am no genius after all! Quite the opposite, I'd say!). Anyway I am simply stating that every test I have done, in different profiles in both simulators, packed with MODs or without a single one - not even a simple paint job -, didn't achieve anything in this sense. Perhaps (PERHAPS? It's a candid question) the software and the drivers of some wheels - Logitech G29 and Logitech Gaming Software in my case - are involved in the problem in the first place, because perhaps (again: PERHAPS?) it's all a matter of settings of the FFB system within the driver software... Who knows? I don't. Unless of course it's a matter existing in the very way ETS2 and ATS manage the FFB system by themselves, or maybe a matter of wheel settings (steering sensitivity and non-linearity and/or truck and trailer stability or even suspensions stiffness or who knows what), ao I absolutely don't know, and I can only try to guess. Yet again, I am not going to reset the whole FFB within the simulators just for the sake of testing... That's for sure.
It would have been nice to see how it worked, yes, but no big deal, I can live without it. The simple audio warning of crossing a lane it's fine for me, especially if I am tired (IRL, I mean), and when necessary, I can activate it... No further needs by my side. :)
Anyway, thank you for your suggestions and explanations.
Last edited by MacCekko; 12 Jun @ 8:00pm
MacCekko 12 Jun @ 8:16pm 
PS. I have just tried something which I never did before: normally I keep the overall gain of the FFB (in ETS2 settings -> controls) to 50%. Now I tried to crank it up to 150% and even to 200%, and although my wheel became hard as a rock, I actually have 'felt' the wheel giving some kinda 'nudge' (to use your term) in the opposite direction of my steering (willingly out of the lane) as to keep its center! So perhaps this assistant IS working after all, but simply I am keeping the FFB too low to feel it, so to speak. Will try to inquire more, at this point I am getting curious.
Again, thank you for your suggestions, as they might have put me in the right direction (no pun intended, or maybe yes...? :steammocking: ).
Ciao, be well.
Last edited by MacCekko; 12 Jun @ 9:03pm
So im having kind of the same issue. When i first tried it out it just warned like you explaind. However. When i would disconnect my wheel (Thrustmaster Tmx pro) And used my mouse or keyboard it worked fine.

So its something to do with the wheel. And when i plugged it back in i played with the settings and i don't know what i did but if i go of the road it warns and if i don't touch the wheel nothing happens. However if i put weight on the other side of where im drifting in to its enough so that the wheel moves a bit. Not much but just enough to keep me from getting more out of the lane. So i did an experiment: I turned off force feedback and now when i would drift on the lane mark it warned and turned back. The same force when if i just put weight on the side of the wheel. Very interesting. So what i have concluded is that for some reason the lane keeping assist doesn't work with types of steering wheels.

Or it could be something in the settings that we all just missed. But i double tripled checked and sure enough no settings i found changed anything. Well apart from the force feedback on how much it would steer back on my wheel but its useless seeing how i turned it to 100% it was before on and little to nothing happened.
@Dexter pro200
For sure, in the settings I actually completely MISSED the setting relative to the "steering while lane keeping" so to speak. Now I am away from the Sim, so I cannot remember correctly, but I recently noticed a specific setting that has something to do with the assistant. Moreover, as said I finally managed to get it to work simply tweaking a little bit my FFB settings, so now it all works fine. At the beginning I was almost sure that the fault was of my Logitech G29, and I was wrong: it was me instead, with my FFB settings, I must adnmit. Luckily. Fortunately. So just do that: tweak like crazy all your Force Feedback settings until you will get some kinda response from the wheel.Have faith, you will eventually succeed. I mean, if I did so, certainly you can do as well. :)
Originally posted by MacCekko:
@Dexter pro200
For sure, in the settings I actually completely MISSED the setting relative to the "steering while lane keeping" so to speak. Now I am away from the Sim, so I cannot remember correctly, but I recently noticed a specific setting that has something to do with the assistant. Moreover, as said I finally managed to get it to work simply tweaking a little bit my FFB settings, so now it all works fine. At the beginning I was almost sure that the fault was of my Logitech G29, and I was wrong: it was me instead, with my FFB settings, I must adnmit. Luckily. Fortunately. So just do that: tweak like crazy all your Force Feedback settings until you will get some kinda response from the wheel.Have faith, you will eventually succeed. I mean, if I did so, certainly you can do as well. :)
I would be grateful if when you are online, you could share your force feedback settings? I also still haven’t managed to be able to get it working and if I’m honest, I haven’t even wanted to mess with my force feedback settings as I like it the way it is.
MacCekko 9 Jul @ 5:29pm 
This can be arranged, although I tend to play late at nights (I am in Europe, CET +1) so if you're not in the "neighborhood," it might be difficult to exchange infos at too different times. On the other hand, we can get in touch one another becoming Steam 'friends', I guess.
Also, do not worry, you will very likely have to change your FFB settings at a minimum, if not at all, apart from the overall gain, that is. I was running with my FFB center-spring active (within LGS software), then I 'discovered' that SCS suggested that we users did not activate such option within the wheel software. And so I did: not only I finally got was I have been dreaming of for years, and that is a centering spring that becomes harder the more I increase my speed (and now I got a very soft centering spring close to zero-force at low speeds and it rises up the more I increase my speed. Also, and this is miraculous from my point of view, the wheel gets terribly hard when the engine is off|), but also, I could manage, as said, to get Lane Assistant to be working fine.
We shall chat together, if you need/want to, no problem.

PS: I finally checked. The setting I was referring to, is called 'assisted steering', and you can find it within SETTINGS -> CONTROLS, either in ATS, either in ETS2, clearly.
Last edited by MacCekko; 9 Jul @ 7:25pm
Originally posted by MacCekko:
No, no, I assure you. I chose the correct mode, I am sure of it! I tried in every possible way, it simply does not work, for me, at least...
But thanks for your kind help anyway. :)

I have asked about this on Reddit. And I believe that in the vids on youtube they use Force Feedback wheel’s which reflect the position of Steering Wheel in Game. Meaning the your wheel turns with the wheel guided by Lane assist. However, since (I assume) you have spring centred wheel which doesn’t react to the game, the game just follows your wheel in base position being unable to override the Wheel input resulting in you going straight and Assistant breaking.
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