Tales of Rein Ravine

Tales of Rein Ravine

There hasn't been an update on this game since like October 16th! I've kinda given up on this game. Will there ever be a new update?
Last edited by MiaDaSilva; 10 Jan @ 4:25am
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Yeah, I'd really like that too!
mitzu69 10 Jan @ 8:51am 
i hate how dev doesnt communicate AT ALL
The last Patreon post of the creator was about a Grunhof rework, but since then, we didn't get any news about it, and the Early Access was supposed to last AT LEAST until the end of 2025, so I wouldn't get my hopes high, maybe these days we'll get the first Episode, and from the few photos we have on the Steam page of the game, it seems like there's A LOT more areas to discover from what we have here.
i got bored so fast
pika 12 Jan @ 10:55am 
3 months with no major update for an EA release is not uncommon. However, the lack of communication is really staggering, considering what happened in the months before the EA release. Even Rattle mentioned it at the end of the EA review, and she's in contact with Maia as far as we know. There could be tons of reasons why she hasn't updated us on anything since October, but a small sign that she's still working on it would be nice at this point.
Originally posted by pika:
3 months with no major update for an EA release is not uncommon. However, the lack of communication is really staggering, considering what happened in the months before the EA release. Even Rattle mentioned it at the end of the EA review, and she's in contact with Maia as far as we know. There could be tons of reasons why she hasn't updated us on anything since October, but a small sign that she's still working on it would be nice at this point.
Let this game not be hit with the curse of horse games:steamsad:
I would like to remind everyone that this game is being made by one single person who has very recently been hit with a humanitarian tragedy and is still living in that reality and also still has a life outside of creating a video game that always has priority over said video game.

Based on the things we do know Maia is very passionate about this project, so I doubt the game has been abandoned. Making games just takes time, even more so if you're doing it on your own while also still living a life. Have some patience guys
pika 14 Jan @ 3:40am 
i agree with you 100%.

What I said about communication applied to Patreon, I should have clarified that. Because people pay money, a simple message that she just can't show anything yet or that progress is a bit slower would be enough. Hell, even if she took some months off and has not worked on the project at all, it would be totally fine. Just let the people who financially support your project know.
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