Tales of Rein Ravine

Tales of Rein Ravine

When we will be able to ride more horses?
In the game, we can find more horses. There are even empty stalls. When we look at the youtube/instagram account of Tales of Rein Ravine, we can see horses that are NOT in the early access. I was thinking that maybe these are the ones from the empty stalls (why are these empty?) (Maverick and Prairie Rose's ones) || Why we can't ride Ghost or Bluebell ? (I know, that they told Ava they will not let her ride more horses) But, really, why ?

I will be really happy if someone answers :)
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Maverick and Prairie Rose can be found outside in the pastures around Cherry Peak, and the third empty stall will likely be filled with the buckskin in the paddock above the flatwork arena. As to when those horses will become available, we will have to wait for future updates to this version. We'll probably get jumping and dressage lessons at some point, and those horses will be for that. But so far there hasn't been any news :/
Originally posted by featherclaw:
Maverick and Prairie Rose can be found outside in the pastures around Cherry Peak, and the third empty stall will likely be filled with the buckskin in the paddock above the flatwork arena. As to when those horses will become available, we will have to wait for future updates to this version. We'll probably get jumping and dressage lessons at some point, and those horses will be for that. But so far there hasn't been any news :/
Thanks for answer!
Hope we'll get some news about the horses :)
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