Quake II

Quake II

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Any way to configure bots in Enhanced version?
Hi all!

I'm kind of new to the Enhanced version of Quake II. So I was wondering if it's possible to make a setup for Deathmatch or a Team Deathmath with custom bots. Like is there any way to set the particular skin for every bot from defaults? Wanted to do marines vs cyborgs.

I was trying to use CrBot with adding +set game "crbot" +set deathmatch 1 target commands to the Quake2 exe and setting bots in BOTS.CFG, but it didn't work.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
awg 7 Jan @ 5:20pm 
Okay, I managed to do it with help of Nightdive discord community. I opened pak0.pak using pakexplorer and Slade3, and edited characters.txt inside that file. It was easier to save the file again using Slade3, probably because pakexplorer is quite old.
erc 10 Jan @ 6:08am 
Pak Explorer can not resave a .pak if there are files within it named with more than eight characters, so it is better to use Slade or Pakscape for editing the remaster's merged pak.
awg 10 Jan @ 7:41am 
Yes, I noticed this limitation of Pak Explorer. So I use Slade3 mostly, but going to look at Pakscape as well. Thanks.
GeoPin 31 Jan @ 9:00pm 
The problem is the .DLL it is not programmed with the code for this version of quake. You can edit graphics and sound but the source code has to be re-written for this version in order to play mods sadly. In other words all mod programmers would have to write a code for this version of Quake 2.:steamfacepalm:
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