Quake II
LGBTQ+ Inclusivity
This game should be more LGBTQ+ exclusive to appeal to more gamers.i understand that 1997 was a different (homophobic) Bethesda released this in 2023, there is no excuse to refuse real gamers what they want. Lets make our voices heard and pressure Bethesda to fix their homophobic game!
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115/49 megjegyzés mutatása
that game came out in my lifetime and i don't want it woke. so no
bro shut up, nobody asked for your goofy opinion.

Go bait somewhere else.
Why are there so many spams like this in every game's discussions section?
APOLLODORUS eredeti hozzászólása:
Why are there so many spams like this in every game's discussions section?
points, theyre throwing away their dignity for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ virtual points.
You can probably find or even make any model you want to play as. You can make any map with as much perverted bs as you desire. lol
Um, how exactly is Quake 2 homophobic?
First level of the new expansion has the gay rainbow on the drop ship. Gay player character already confirmed.
This is an obvious bait lmao
PootisMayo eredeti hozzászólása:
Report OP's entire post history and their profile immediately. Contact Steam Support about it now.
Why are you always trying to pull that kind of stuff?
Of course q2 is inclusive, strogg take in anyone, long as you got flesh to pulp strogg will welcome you.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Unseen; jan. 14., 9:08
I want a Rainbow painted gun that doesn't shoot straight. 😐
PootisMayo eredeti hozzászólása:
Why? Because I’m sick and tired of people like OP being able to post useless topics like these. I’m trying to get others to protect themselves and these communities from danger.
the only 'danger' here is from backseat moderators

terrible rage bait
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115/49 megjegyzés mutatása
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