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Useful Information and links For Kenshi 1
Helpful information and website links for Kenshi

Kenshi Free Demo Clicky Here[] ( v1.0.7 )

Kenshi Home and update list Page Clicky Here[]
Official Kenshi Forum Web Site Clicky Here[]
Sound and Music Development Blog Clicky Here[]
Kenshi Wiki Clicky Here[]
Official Kenshi on Facebook Clicky Here[]
Official Kenshi twitter Feed Clicky Here
Bug Reporting and upload area Clicky Here[]
Feature Requests Clicky Here[]
Road-map Clicky Here[]
TranslationClicky Here[]
Kenshi Trello Clicky Here[]
Kenshi Steam Store Page Clicky Here
Fan Run Kenshi Modding Forum Clicky Here

Kneshi 1 Dev Team Twitter addresses

The Bearded Dev Chris Hunt Clicky Here

Beard in Training Music maker Kole Hicks Clicky Here

Huge Bearded Oliver Hatton new Environment artist

Decent Bearded Vurt Kenshi Environmental Designer
List of some of his work on youtube Clicky Here

Technical artist (part-time) Chris Roberts ( developer of "shelter")

Scraggly bearded, Concept Artist Sergey Musin[] and his Art Work Page[]

The Bearded Sam the Coder

Unknown if Bearded Maykol Irigoyen Weather Coder Zodd

This will be kept updated so please check back often.

List of Steam Kenshi sub forums
"General Discussions" General Chatter and questions
"Bugs" Bug reporting
"Gameplay and Balance" Feature request area, Use search before posting your idea's
"Modding" Mods for Kenshi
"Fan Fictions / Artwork" Player created fan art and stories
"Updates and Announcements" Official Announcements from the Devs
"Trading"[] trading zone. No begging for a free copy!
"Off Topic" Place to chat/discuss about anything not related to Kenshi.

Chris Hunt

Sam Gynn
Maykol Irigoyen
Chris Hunt

Oliver Hatton

Otto Klevnas Klang

Natalie Mikkelson

Kole Audio Solutions

Natalie Mikkelson
Chris Hunt

Patrik "Vurt" Andersson

Chris Roberts

Christopher Christensen

Igor Frolov

Linda MacGill (Bug Zen Games)

Sergey Musin

Lamoot: Early Sword Models
Olivier Guesne: Titlescreen and logo
Tassilo Bindl: 1st GUI Skin
"Joetokell": Facebook Page

Harald Hagen

Rob Jackson

Original Music and Sound Design by: Kole Audio Solutions
Original sword models available under the CC license:
Powered by Wwise (c) 2006 - 2014 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.
“Kenshi” uses Havok®. ©Copyright 1999-2014, Inc. (and its Licensors). All Rights Reserved. See for details.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 26 Nov, 2019 @ 8:35am
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Since these are the most asked for things in Kenshi, here is the official answers to your questions

: Will there be Multiplayer or co-op or lan?
: No. It had to be added at the start of game development with the Engine and custom modules Chris used, and Chris has stated a few times before this is a single player game only. There is no way a MP mode can be made either, the core of kenshi's programing does not have the coding needed to add it.
This will not be changing for Kenshi 2. even though the new engine does have support for it, the Devs has no plans to add it. though with the new engine, it might be possible to be modded in. if they can get around whatever technical issues the Devs have stated would still cause the game to not have it.

: Will there be a Mac/Linux port?
: No. But there have been attempts by others to make a mac port. Maybe in the future when Chris is done with the game he might work on making it cross platform compatible

trying to run Kenshi on non Win OS is no guarantee it will run. you are welcome to try or go to the forums and ask around for workarounds but kenshi is only for Windows with no support for other OS's We do not recommend you buy the game unless you have windows 7 or higher.

Buying for Mac or Linux means you might not get the game to run. using bootcamp or other emulators is no guarantee it will run either.
Buy at your own risk knowing there is a very good chance you can not play it on a Mac or Linux machine.

: How can i loot the money i see on bandits? and will that option ever be available to me?
: You Cannot loot that money, it is a general fund for that faction/squad. Just like with your people, they don't carry money themselves but use a general fund. The amounts are usually small and you make more money looting the armour and weapons then you ever would from looting the pooled money.

: Will there be ranged weapons in Kenshi?
: Yes and no. Yes to crossbows and wall turrets for your outposts, No to guns or artillery or siege weapons

: Will there be guns in Kenshi?
: No there will not be, Chris has said that he will not add them and are not part of his vision of his game he is making for us.

: When are updates supposed to come out? is there a time table for them?
: There is no set schedule for when updates come out, as the team grows they'll start coming out faster. Chris has stated before that he won't release a update until he is satisfied with it.
You can now help with the new experimental releases. go here to read more on it Kenshi opt-in experimental version.

: Will there be vehicles or airships or horses and pets in Kenshi?
: No, but there will be pack mules and pets and mounts ( this is still optional feature and might not make it in until after full release. )
Mounts moved to luxury Features, and not planned to be added at this time.

: Is this game set in post apocalyptic? or Earth?
: No to the first and Chris hasn't said on the second but i think its a different planet altogether. ( From Chris "Its an alternative world, with no links to reality or earth.")
From the Lore there was a great conflict some time ago and two great empires fell/collapsed. kind alike when Rome fell. but the world didn't end. it just entered a dark age.

: Will there be fast travel?
: As of now, there is no plans for fast travel

: What does Kenshi Mean?
: Kenshi stands for Swordsman in Japanese. 健志, Takeshi.

: How do i buy a house?
: simply left click on the door on any building in NPC towns, on the left most info panel it will tell you if its for sale and how much it will cost.

: My people or the NPC's walk thru my walls. how do i fix this?
: Rebuilding your navmesh should temp fix it. can do this by pressing Ctrl + Shift + F11. game will pause for 2 or 3 seconds. There are still some issues with pathing.

: When will Multithreading be added?
: Due to the Ogre 2.0 Engine the max the Developers have been able to do is push most of the work onto another core while Ogre hogs the first one. Due to the engine being old it is not possible to add any more without rewriting half the game code while upgrading to Ogre 2.1 for multi core support.

From the Dev
Originally posted by Captain Deathbeard:
It's because Ogre is an old engine, designed to run single threaded. We've got most of the game code running on another thread, but Ogre hogs the main thread processing the rendering stuff. Batch count is the biggest factor.

The only way to better utilise modern hardware is a complete engine rewrite. Which they have done with the new Ogre 2.1, but for us to update to that version would require us to rewrite half the engine-side game code.

: When will Kenshi support my language?
: Kenshi supports English, Japanese, German, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese right now, they are taking names of those who are willing to help with others. the list is on the main Forum website. you can also look in kenshi's Steam Workshop, there are several localization mods now available.

: How many can i have in my squad?
: Current game limit is 30 max with 12 in each squad. if you want higher you will need to use the 256 recruitment Mod listed in the steam workshop. or make a Mod for yourself. its under global game settings at the top of the FCS.

: is fighting all there is in Kenshi? can i play differently?
: You can be a wandering trader, bounty hunter, caravan guard or a wanderer. Let your imagination take over.

: What Engine(s) does Kenshi Use?
:It uses the Ogre 2.0 engine:
The terrain engine is Advantage
The tools are custom, one of them is Scythe:
Pathing AI 64bit Havok engine

Kenshi 2 will be using the Unreal 4 engine,
Kenshi 1 might get ported to the unreal Engine as some work has already begun on doing so, but the Dev is not sure if he will finish it. we will see after Kenshi 2 is done.

: This game has been in development for 12 years more or less, why so long?
: The Dev Chris started working on the game when he worked full time as a security guard. So during that time he worked on kenshi part time. Only 10 months ago ( From this posting at Sep 30, 2013 ) Kenshi came out on steam garnering him enough capital to quit his full time job and work exclusively on kenshi,.

: I would like there to be WASD movement for first person usage. will this be added like in MMO's?
: No, but a highly asked for feature.

: My Mouse pointer not showing up right, how can i fix this?
: Toggle your hardware mouse option. you can find it here.

: How do i delete my saves.
: Select your save and press del

: Is there Kenshi Merchandise?
: There is.
Kenshi Merch is available at this link
Kenshi Merchandise[]
Not in the store Front links.
Kenshi Scroll Cell Phone Cover[]
Kenshi Foot Scabbards[] aka Socks.

Official Links will be coming soon.

Kenshi Logos are copyrighted material.
All Logos belong to Lo-Fi Game Studies
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 26 Nov, 2019 @ 8:27am
Hatsune Neko Gaming 16 Oct, 2013 @ 10:17pm 

OS:64-bit Windows
Processor:Dual-core 64-bit
Memory:6 GB RAM
Graphics:Pixel shader 3.0 capable card
Hard Drive:14GB HD space

OS:Windows 7 64-bit
Processor:Quad-core 64-bit
Memory:16 GB RAM
Hard Drive:14GB HD space

link update, thread pertaining to system requirements, please read before posting questions about why your min system requirements do not allow you to play the game.
Refund the Game - system requirements
Due to this game being in development, system spec requirements are "NOT" set in stone, they will change as content gets added.

If your computer will barely run the demo, then buying the full version is not recommended.

i can not say it enough,
play the Demo first.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 6 Jun, 2018 @ 2:46pm
Originally posted by Captain Deathbeard:
Originally posted by Killkhan:
I started following this game with great interest well over two years ago (I think) and it was on offer then as an alpha, but I thought I'd wait until it was at least a beta before purchasing. To my surprise I see the game pop up again in a Steam sale and was even more surprised when I see it's still an alpha, which leaves me wondering (and glad I didn't pay money for it that long ago) why it's taking so long to reach beta stage? Is there an eta?

This isn't a rant, or a complaint, but it makes me hold off on buying it when I see things have gone so slowly.

It's because it's such a huge and ambitious game. There's several games worth of different features in or planned. This will not be done quickly. I have never given a solid ETA or made claims that it will be done quickly.

What is the necessity for finishing it quickly? (Other than excitement of course).
Rushing it means we drop features or leave it half-finished and buggy. It's buggy right now, sure, but that's because it's not finished. I would have thought the fact that I devoted 7 years or so to the game so far would be seen as a positive thing. It's not like traditional publisher-driven development where taking too long is a sign of internal problems and going over budget. Indies can take their time polishing their games without being rushed to a premature release date.

This is what game development is like:
-You've got a list of 100 features and 100 bugs.
-Every time you add a feature, it adds another 50 bugs.
-Every time you fix 10 bugs, you discover 3 more bugs.
-Occasionally to fix one of the bugs you might need to totally restructure something. This will probably add 10 more bugs.
-When you fix bugs people say "These updates don't do anything, where are the features?"
-When you add features people say "Why aren't you fixing the bugs?"

TL;DR It's gonna take a while, but don't worry, it's because we are putting a lot of care into it.
I'd like to finish it by the end of this year, but if it takes 2 years so be it, I'm not cutting any corners.

Originally posted by Jᴧgᴧ:
I also remember that at one time a *long* time ago, there was an actual team working on the game, which for one reason or another fell apart. By Chris' own admissions, he "doesn't work well in teams"
Don't know where you got that from. But I have said that remote volunteer teams don't work. Literally.
For those who wish to use a alternative method of payment.
Kenshi now accepts Bitcoins on the main website as a alternative payment method.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 21 Mar, 2014 @ 2:09pm
: How do i get to be in the new experimental updates?
: Easiest way is to click this Link. it will tell you how to opt into the experimental version of Kenshi. It also explains why there is an experimental version in a game in alpha development. so kills two questions on one page.

: When will the experimental updates be added so people who haven't opted into this experimental access system get access to the new content?
: Since this is new i do not have a answer for you on that. I would believe that when the Devs have worked out enough of the bugs so it is more or less stable when released to the general players. Until we know more, this is about the best answer.

: Will there be Dual Wielding?
: Dual-wielding, as answered by Chris on the AMA (courtesy of Tolwrath), has been declared a no-go. It will not be implemented.

: im having issues with my keyboard. what can i do to solve this?
: Answer is located in this topic Keyboard input limited. This is a rare bug but worth adding here because of that.

: Is there a way i can see what the Devs are working on?
:In Fact there is, you can see what's going on, on their trello channel. []
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 22 Nov, 2018 @ 9:58am
Game Development timeline Clarification.

  • 12 years ago concept and core of the game was started on.
  • for 5 to 6 Years Dev worked a normal job fiddling with the concept and basic programing of the Game part time.
  • Aug 30, 2012 Kenshi is added to Steam Greenlight
  • in 2013 Kenshi is approved on steam, joining the list for one of the first crop of Early Access games to debut on steam.
  • First 6 months Dev starts to work on Kenshi full time, leaves his old job to work on Kenshi full time as sales permit him to do this.
  • 6 months after Kenshi is approved on Greenlight and sales start up, the Dev ( Chris ) hires the first members of the development team from sale garnered from steam sales. Development of the game ramps up.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 22 Nov, 2018 @ 9:59am
Hatsune Neko Gaming 17 Apr, 2016 @ 11:40am 
: Are there prior Beta updates i can revert to if the current beta becomes unplayable for me?
: Yes there is. the Dev will now make available points in the Beta stage where the game seems to be the most stable so you can revert back to it until hotfixes are dissipated to correct the newest issues with stability.
Just go back into the opt in screen and chose which version you want to use until then.

: I signed up for the main forums but i haven't gotten my activation e-mail yet. who do i talk too to get this?
: You need to send Koomatzu a message.

: How do i eat? ( Beta Version )
: Eating is automatic. all you need is food in either inventory space and when its time your character will eat automatically.

: How do i edit my saves to fix my relations? or even edit my characters?
: I'll post a quote for it.
Originally posted by Strudel:
Go to your Kenshi folder. Open the Forgotten Construction Set.

It'll bring up a window of data to edit. Just click "Done." This window doesn't matter. Now you might see a window of errors. Again, close it. This window doesn't matter.

Click on "Open Any" in the top right.

Go to saves and find the save you want to edit.

Open the file. Not your quicksave folder, but the file in the folder of the save you chose. This can be the quicksave folder, but I don't want you to get confused over the two.

Once you open this file you will see a bunch of zeros. Scroll down until you find the faction you want to change relations with. For example, The Holy Nation.

Find their entry, they're in alphabetical order. Click on them, and their file will open up. Look for "relation 0" that's you. -100 is negative, 0 is neutral, and 100 is allied. Of course you can use any number in between.

When you have edited the relations, click the save button in the top left and exit out. You are NOT creating a mod. You are simply editing a save file.

Also, while you're here, you can edit your characters as well. If you want to do so, when you click "Open Any" instead of, click on the "platoon" folder, and find "nameless_(number).platoon." There may be more than one depending on how many characters you have.

Click on the platoon and scroll to the bottom for your characters. Each character will have two entries. One for their appearance and one for their skills. Adjust accordingly. Once again, save your changes with the save icon at the top right. And once again, again, you are NOT creating a mod. Just editing saves. If you're making a mod, you're doing it wrong.


: I want to reorder my Jobs list. is this possible without cancelling the current jobs?
: It is indeed possible. just hold your left mouse button over the job and drag and drop it into any order you wish.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 22 Nov, 2018 @ 10:00am
Hatsune Neko Gaming 26 May, 2016 @ 10:39am 
-No more 32-bit support, it's impossible, the game's gotten too big to fit within the 3GB memory limitation. You can still access the older 32-bit version through Steam's [kenshi->properties->betas] tab.
-Initial loading time is sometimes pretty long on non-SSDs. The terrain will take ages to load in and things will look weird/white for a while but once loaded everything should be fine.
-You won't see all new map content unless you import your savegame after an update.

-You can still access the older 32-bit version through Steam's [kenshi->properties->betas] tab, and also the latest updates if you choose the "Experimental" version.
-Initial loading time is sometimes pretty long on non-SSDs.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 26 Nov, 2019 @ 8:32am
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