 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Kenshi forum rules: (We will assume that you have read this)
Steam Platform Rules:
At all times users of the Kenshi Steam Community Forums are subject to rules and legal agreements set by Valve as part of the Steam platform. For clarity we have linked these rules below:
Rules and Guidelines For Steam: Discussions, Reviews, and User Generated Content
Steam Subscriber Agreement
Steam Online Conduct

Kenshi Discussion Rules:
Lo-Fi Games and the Kenshi Discussion moderators have set the following additional rules for this and all other Kenshi Steam Community Forums.

General Posting Guidelines:
  • Use the search function to see if a thread already covers the topic.
  • Find a concise meaningful title for your thread to summaries the discussion topic, especially in the feedback and bug forums.
  • Stay on topic.
  • Do not double post. Make good use the edit button if you have new information to add. If the previous post was 24 hours ago or longer you may double post.
  • Do not post the same topic across several forums. There is normally one forum which is most suitable in which to post your question.
  • Do not use all caps or post a whole message in bold or in a different colour than the default colour.
  • Do not quote the immediate previous post, except if you want to emphasize a particular part about it.
  • When replying to topic do not quote more from the other posts than you have to.
  • Do not Nekro old bug reports, please file a new bug report if any you find are older than 30 days that cover your issue.
  • Topics like real life religion or politics is forbidden. this can include other topics that can cause non kenshi related disruptive topics or posts meant to troll or to be disruptive.
  • Kenshi forums are meant for game play talk, please refrain from RL events.

Advertising and self-promotion:
Do not spam or self-promote in the forums. These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other websites or posts with little, no or completely unrelated content. Any user caught spamming will be permanently banned.

Users who wish to promote their Kenshi related content can do so in the relevant discussion boards. If in doubt ask a moderator.

Copyright infringing material:
Do not upload, attach, or otherwise post any copyrighted material which you are not free to redistribute (subject to the licensing terms of the specific item). If you have a question about having permission to post or attach a specific item, please ask a moderator.

We do not condone nor accept posts pertaining to illegal activities such as hacking, cracking, ‘warez’, piracy etc. Any posts or threads found in violation of this rule will be deleted, and the poster warned or possibly banned at the moderation team's discretion.

Offensive content:
Do not post anything which is offensive, hateful, racist, sexist, discriminatory, obscene, vulgar or in violation of local or international laws. No pornographic, sexually offensive, sexually explicit, or objectifying material. Sexually suggestive images will be heavily scrutinized and may be removed without warning.
this includes using the popular phase, Ok Boomer, as it is unacceptable on these forums.

Additionally, if Steam censors the content of your post or username then you are deemed to be breaking this rule.

Be polite to other users and staff:
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. It is not permitted to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle other users, staff or the quality of this community – discuss the message, not the messenger. Criticize ideas, not people. Flaming, trolling and personal attacks will not be tolerated.

How to report rule breaking content:
All complaints should be communicated privately using Steam’s ‘Report this Post’ feature with a clear description of why it violates the rules. Users who abuse this feature may be removed from the forums.
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 7 Apr, 2024 @ 9:49am