 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Captain Deathbeard  [developer] 26 Mar, 2014 @ 9:53am
NOTE: Kenshi opt-in experimental version.
I'm sure you've all noticed that major updates to Kenshi are usually buggy as hell, then I patch them rapidly until they are more stable.

So to reduce the suffering of my loyal players I'm making a test build that you can get through steam by opting-in:
-Right-click on Kenshi in your Steam library and select "Properties"
-Go to the "BETAS" tab
-There is a dropdown box there- select "Experimental".

The "Experimental" build will get all the latest major updates right away. Use this if you don't mind experiencing more bugs and crashes in return for getting the updates faster, and/or if you want to help me by providing bug reports and feedback. Please report major problems when you find them, I don't want to miss anything bad.

Ignore all this and carry on with the regular build of Kenshi if you prefer the game to be more stable. The regular build will be updated once I am sure that all the major bugs are ironed out of the latest version, which may be a week or two after the experimental version is released.
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You can report bugs for the test version at this link Kenshi Bug Forum[]
Last edited by Hatsune Neko Gaming; 1 Jan, 2015 @ 12:58pm
Koomatzu  [developer] 10 May, 2015 @ 4:17am 
Also note: When you try to opt in to experimental it will ask for a BETA code. Don't worry, you do not need a code. Just ignore it and leave the BETA code field blank.
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