Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

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Netheos 5 Sep, 2017 @ 9:45am
Legendary Patchnote
Hey Coaches,

Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition is now available on Steam.

The Legendary Edition is a bundle of 3 elements:
  • BB2 base Game (8 races)
  • Team Pack (8 races)
  • Official Expansion (8 races)
If you already own the base game, and/or Team Pack, you only have to buy the Official Expansion to get 8 new races and many new features. But even if you don't get the Official Expansion, all Blood Bowl 2 players will still get big update containing many new features.

Please find below the distribution of the "Legendary" features between the free update and the Official expansion.

  • Resurrection mode - new League option (more info here[]).
  • Wissen Tournament (= Swiss Format) - new competition format (more info here[])..
  • 20 new Star Players (more than 50 in total).
  • Dice overview at the end of a match.
  • New skills behaviour:
    • Kick: You can now see where the ball will land with and without the use of kick, and choose if you use the skill or not accordingly.
    • Side Step: The skill is optional in case of chain-push.
    • Grab: You can choose not to use the skill if you can crowdsurf an opponent by not using it.
  • New option to make some skills optional: Pass, Dodge, Tackle, Fend, Tentacles, Break Tackle.
  • GUI improvements
    • Option to display tooltip in dice probability.
    • FAME displayed in match.
    • Confirmation pop-up when conceding.
    • New Coach view displaying only the acquired skills.
    • New dice log option to display more details (all the modifiers).
  • Option to spend 50k gold to get a skill when hiring a mercenary.
  • Option to mute chat in a match.
  • Player card visually evolving with player's level.
  • New admin tools (ageing option in singleplayer, league blacklist, mixed AI/players league, manual seeding in competition, enhanced match administration).
  • AI/human mixed competitions (up to 8 AIs).
  • League chat (PC/Mac only).
  • You can now save & quit in a singleplayer game.
  • Post-match chat.
  • Free camera mode.
  • Multiplayer pause system.
  • Option to deactivate ageing in singleplayer league.
  • AI enhancement.
  • Cosmetic enhancements.
  • Overall game speed increased by 10%.
  • New blue Disturbing Presence visual effect when both teams have a player with that skill.
  • You can now fire a player directly from the roster page.
  • New pop-up explaining how the penalties work.
  • Tweak to the inducement system: cash spent by the overdog bringing the team below the 150k limit is given to the underdog team.
  • In a match, a player can now move and pass in the same sequence.
  • Cosmetic enhancements (better display of cyrilic, camera shaking when a big blitzes, new image for babes in inducements...)
  • Fixed: A Secret Weapon player who enters the pitch thanks to the Perfect Defence event is not expelled at the end of the drive.
  • Fixed: SideStep is not usable if the player is under BoneHead/VeryStupid or Hypnotic Gaze.
  • Fixed: A non-blitz block action with a Juggernaut player cancels the opponent Wrestle.
  • Fixed: Problem with Stunty and Mighty Blow (if you roll a 8+MB : standard Casualty roll, if you roll a 9+MB : always Badly Hurt -> it should be the contrary)
  • Fixed: The ball is desync when you try to pick up the ball and dodge the opponent in the same move if you fail the first dodge and successfully reroll it.
  • Fixed:You can now move all players with Pass Block, then intercept the ball with one of them.
  • Fixed: If you plan a move+foul action but your player is followed by a Shadowing player, the foul is activated from afar and the turn of your player ends (red circle).
  • Fixed: You can foul a player while scoring a touchdown.
  • Fixed: A player thrown during this turn doesn't have to use 3 movement points to stand up.
  • Fixed: No turnover if a troll eats the goblin holding the ball.
  • 8 new teams
    • Amazon
    • Underworld Denizens
    • Halflings
    • Goblin
    • Vampire
    • Ogre
    • Elven Union
    • Kislev Circus
  • Eternal League (singleplayer endless campaign - more details here[])
  • Challenge Mode (more info here[])
  • Mixed Teams
  • 2 new cheerleader types: Orc and Dwarf
  • All-Star Teams
  • New Khemri Stadium
  • Team Editor (more details here[])
See you on the pitch,
Cyanide Studio & Focus Home Interactive
Last edited by Netheos; 6 Sep, 2017 @ 6:10am
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Showing 1-15 of 63 comments
Hexley 5 Sep, 2017 @ 9:55am 
"AI/human mixed competitions (up to 8 AIs)."


Just lame.
Last edited by Hexley; 5 Sep, 2017 @ 9:55am
Djofsi 5 Sep, 2017 @ 10:10am 
Thank's, Great work !
But uhh...where is the champions league ?
Netheos 5 Sep, 2017 @ 10:11am 
Originally posted by ellefu:
Thank's, Great work !
But uhh...where is the champions league ?

With money on the line, we want to make sure the game is free from any technical issues. We'll launch the Champion Ladder as soon as possible.
TheWarlock 5 Sep, 2017 @ 11:06am 
Stats of players still differ from the overview page and the player page. Most players have different stats so you need to click each player and see what the real stats are.

I mentioned this already in Beta. it's still not fixed.
AJDStudios 5 Sep, 2017 @ 11:49am 
Overall, really happy with the update :-) thanks Devs. It has some teething problems for sure, but eh.

The Ai thing I can see being a problem for some but for the purposes of the majority, it does enough.
TowerDefender 5 Sep, 2017 @ 12:37pm 

Can you explain what AI enhancements have been done? I'm playing and the AI still cages when behind by 1 in the final turns.

I'm curious as to what I should be looking for...

dreadygooner 5 Sep, 2017 @ 1:28pm 
I've found that the text when creating a new team has become unreadable. It's kind of merged together. Is this a Mac thing?

Love the idea of mixed teams BTW.
Smurffle 5 Sep, 2017 @ 2:09pm 
Is it just me or are highs elfs just floatins heads now? Whats happened to their bodies :D Guessing its a bug.
OmegaDestroyer 5 Sep, 2017 @ 6:11pm 
Just hit a nasty bug at the end of a match. On turn 16, the game just froze. The app is still running; there is music and I can move the camera but nothing else is happening. I was winning and leveled up some of my guys, so I'm thrilled to lose all of my progress.

It froze when my opponent was trying to figure out which square to push my character into and says so on screen. I also can no longer exit out of the game without forcing a shutdown. Conceding was the only way to exit out of the game.
Last edited by OmegaDestroyer; 5 Sep, 2017 @ 6:11pm
Netheos 6 Sep, 2017 @ 1:43am 
Originally posted by TheWarlock:
Stats of players still differ from the overview page and the player page. Most players have different stats so you need to click each player and see what the real stats are.

I mentioned this already in Beta. it's still not fixed.

It's a display issue, no impact on gameplay. Many reports from the beta couldn't make it into the day1 patch, but they will arrive for sure in the next update.

Originally posted by TowerDefender:
Can you explain what AI enhancements have been done? I'm playing and the AI still cages when behind by 1 in the final turns.Thanks.

Hi, the AI now take into account the turn they're playing. Meaning they shouldn't try a long term move turn 8 or 16.

Originally posted by Smurffle:
Is it just me or are highs elfs just floatins heads now? Whats happened to their bodies :D Guessing its a bug.

It's a known issue.

4 High Elf logos are missing: teams using these logos have invisible players (expect the head).

Originally posted by dreadygooner:
I've found that the text when creating a new team has become unreadable. It's kind of merged together. Is this a Mac thing?

Sorry you encountered this issue. It's a known issue on Mac. We're currently working on it and will release a fix as soon as possible.

Originally posted by OmegaDestroyer:
Just hit a nasty bug at the end of a match. On turn 16, the game just froze. The app is still running; there is music and I can move the camera but nothing else is happening. I was winning and leveled up some of my guys, so I'm thrilled to lose all of my progress.

It froze when my opponent was trying to figure out which square to push my character into and says so on screen. I also can no longer exit out of the game without forcing a shutdown. Conceding was the only way to exit out of the game.

Sorry to hear that! Thanks for the extensive report, I'll send it to our QA team.
TowerDefender 6 Sep, 2017 @ 12:15pm 

Thank you for the feedback.

Astadriel 6 Sep, 2017 @ 1:57pm 
Very nice update ! Will there be more choices of cheerleaders in the future ? One type/team could add a lot of flavour without too much modeling/animation.
Also, game froze (not a crash, just no animations were playing anymore on the field - had to concede) when changing language setting mid game.
nicolas_antoni 6 Sep, 2017 @ 4:11pm 
thanks for your job.

Anyway, I was playing the beta with already a team, but now that it is fully integrate to the "normal" edition, I have lost it, How can I get back my team?
Netheos 7 Sep, 2017 @ 1:01am 
Originally posted by nicolas_antoni:
thanks for your job.

Anyway, I was playing the beta with already a team, but now that it is fully integrate to the "normal" edition, I have lost it, How can I get back my team?

Sorry, it was announced at the start of the beta that all Beta teams were gonna be wiped at the release of the expansion.
Good Thyme 8 Sep, 2017 @ 2:33am 
Ao the expansion doesn't include Khemri or Chaos Dwarf?
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