Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

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Dode 2 Oct, 2017 @ 10:54am
Champions' Cup Financial Fair Play Rules
PC Champion's Cup Financial Fair Play Rules

Currently the inducement rules mean that the underdog receives any TV difference plus any spend by the overdog (up to 150k) in inducements. The underdog can then spend up to 150k of his own cash on top of that spend. This is seen as somewhat unfair in some specific cases as the underdog can the get what is effectively an unanswerable wizard (for example) even if the TVs are the same and that team is choosing second through luck of the draw. That makes the on-pitch TVs potentially very different.

To promote Financial Fair Play (deemed necessary after the scandal surrounding the 2517 purchase of Kill-ian Mbappe by Parravon St Guillaume) the organizers of the Champion's Cup are limiting the ability of the underdog to "top up" the extra inducement money to 40k (not including any cash-over-bank which counts towards TV they have) instead of 150k. This means that, at most, the on-pitch TVs will differ by 40k.

(google sheet)[]
TV difference is the difference between the Overdog and the Underdog's TV
UnderdogPettyCash is the amount the underdog gets on top of his own cash due to spending by the overdog.
RoundUp is the amount UnderdogPettyCash is increased by to make on-pitch TV more equal. That equates to any cash over 150k the underdog has, plus up to 40k if the underdog has that much cash.


To that end, the underdog will receive, in total:
  • Cash equating to the TV difference between the teams, plus
  • Cash to account for spending by the overdog, plus
  • Any cash which is already accounted for in their TV, plus
  • Up to 40k to spend, taken from their own cash.

This puts the teams within 40k of each other.

In-game, that means for the Underdog:
If your treasury starts at 150k or more then it can get no lower than 110k.
Otherwise it can get no lower than 40k below what you have.
This is not automated and will need to be implemented by the qualifiers.

TVDifference = OverdogTV - UnderdogTV
UnderdogPettyCash = max(0, OverdogSpend - max(0, OverdogCash - 150))
RoundUp = min(UnderdogCash, 40) + max(0, UnderdogCash - 150)

Example 1:
1500TV (140k cash) spends 50k vs 1410TV (100k cash)
TVDifference = 1500 - 1410 = 90
UnderdogPettyCash = max(0, 50 - max(0, 140 - 150)) = max(0, 50-0) = 50
Roundup = min(100, 40) + max(0, 100 - 150) = 40 + 0 = 40

FreeCash = 90 + 50 = 140
TotalSpendable = 140 + 40 = 180

Example 2:
1610TV (180k cash) spends 100k vs 1300TV (20k cash)
TVDifference = 1610 - 1300 = 310
UnderdogPettyCash = max(0, 100 - max(0, 180 - 150)) = max(0, 100 - 30) = 70
Roundup = min(20, 40) + max(0, 20 - 150) = 20 + 0 = 20

FreeCash = 310 + 70 = 380
TotalSpendable = 380 + 20 = 400

Yes, the calculation is a little complex. Ideally this would all be in-game. However, to make things more simple and to help people try more examples there is a google sheet[] available. If you intend to use it lots I recommend making your own version to play with.

Please ask any questions below.
Last edited by Dode; 2 Oct, 2017 @ 11:00am
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Lensar 10 Oct, 2017 @ 7:38am 
"This is not automated and will need to be implemented by the qualifiers."

When do we think this will be implemented?

Also, when will the next CCL begin?
DominicoMucci 10 Oct, 2017 @ 9:56am 
My only issue with this is as an underdog the inducements are overpriced. For example a reroll is 100k. A apoth 100k? Additional players are overpriced and arguably the star players are overpriced. You are giving a clear advantage to the overdog but surely if someone has managed their team to have spare cash to overspend they should be allowed to do it?
Dode 10 Oct, 2017 @ 11:02am 
Originally posted by Lensar:
"This is not automated and will need to be implemented by the qualifiers."

When do we think this will be implemented?

Also, when will the next CCL begin?
It will be used in the playoffs only. As such the qualifiers will be expected to implement it themselves.

Next CCL will be next week some time.

Originally posted by DominicoMucci:
My only issue with this is as an underdog the inducements are overpriced. For example a reroll is 100k. A apoth 100k? Additional players are overpriced and arguably the star players are overpriced. You are giving a clear advantage to the overdog but surely if someone has managed their team to have spare cash to overspend they should be allowed to do it?
They are overpriced by design to encourage team growth. LRB6 actually suggests not allowing certain inducements in playoffs at all. In this case we are allowing all inducements and expecting the underdog to choose judiciously.
As for "clear advantage", that depends on the difference. If the teams are within 30TV of each other then the underdog may become the overdog.
Lensar 10 Oct, 2017 @ 12:35pm 
Seems like a good overall change to me. Would love to see it eventually added to regular matches. (I'm unlikely to ever see the playoffs)
Ripgiblet 13 Oct, 2017 @ 8:02am 
Seems like a mob of crazies comes out of the wood work every time I mention that maybe knoblars should stop ogres from making duh tests if adjacent, or any other rule that improves a joke team, but you can willy nilly implement new "balancing" rule sets;} and nobody goes crazy;/

But ok, yes I agree, seems fair;]

Personally I dont think any money you spend should effect the the other players inducements,it should be decided before any money is added.
Weresquid 23 Oct, 2017 @ 5:48pm 
Cash rules look good, looking forward to try them if by some miracle I qualify for the POs.

Originally posted by DominicoMucci:
My only issue with this is as an underdog the inducements are overpriced. For example a reroll is 100k. A apoth 100k? Additional players are overpriced and arguably the star players are overpriced. You are giving a clear advantage to the overdog but surely if someone has managed their team to have spare cash to overspend they should be allowed to do it?

The star players are absolutely overpriced, as is the wizard. They are overpriced because you have choice. Having an extra apothecary when you meet a kill team or a tackle player only against dodge heavy teams is better than having those things permanently on the roster. Therefore you pay a little more.
Baki 11 Feb, 2018 @ 2:46am 
Many Coaches do not know about this rule. What happens if that rule is broken? should we report that? And what is the consequence?
Dode 11 Feb, 2018 @ 3:49am 
It's *only* for the Cup, not for the Ladder. There are only 32 coaches in the cup and all are made aware of it.
Baki 11 Feb, 2018 @ 4:08am 
thanks for the clarification
GodOfMercy 4 Aug, 2018 @ 11:20pm 
would love to see the good old betting Cash on matches added to the game dosent have to be multiplayer for single player alone would do fine just need some way to get a positive income when you go past 3k tv test runs
KarndMad 20 Aug, 2018 @ 8:40am 
this is all a bunch of bull, it has been 150 k for ......well as long as i have been playing ( 2001 , 5k + hours) u guys wanna change it . Fair Play !!! haha, its BB u bunch of sissys quit messing it up~! bunch of goofballs.
KarndMad 20 Aug, 2018 @ 8:42am 
some asshat with an advantage upset he might not win so make sure u nurf my opponent!!
KarndMad 20 Aug, 2018 @ 8:43am 
i got an idea take the RNG away too! and perma death , and well just change the name of the game to " the old game wasnt fair ".....IS BB
KarndMad 20 Aug, 2018 @ 8:47am 
it used to be that u would have to make some hard decisions as the top team as to weather to spend the cash , but now u have given him cart de blanch to control the match , GJ (* sarcasm)
Kejiruze 20 Aug, 2018 @ 8:55am 
Originally posted by KarndMad:
this is all a bunch of bull, it has been 150 k for ......well as long as i have been playing ( 2001 , 5k + hours) u guys wanna change it . Fair Play !!! haha, its BB u bunch of sissys quit messing it up~! bunch of goofballs.

Fairly certain it hasn't, as I've plenty of teams on fumbbl with a tonne of cash as when I started playing there there wasn't any restriction on the amount of cash you could save up, and that was only 2008.
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