Blood Bowl 2

Blood Bowl 2

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chaton 9 Jan, 2019 @ 1:44am
Champion Ladder Rules
PC/Mac Champion Ladder Rules - Season 23
  • Fresh teams (max 1000 Team Value) with rookie players only may join the league.
  • Over 5 concessions by a coach in a season and you're booted for the remainder that season - that's a *coach* limit, not just a team limit. Get booted two seasons in a row and you're banned for the third season. Disconnections which fail to reconnect will count as concessions.
  • Champion Ladder season 23 ends Wednesday 15 May 2019 at 5:59pm (CEST).
  • At the end of a season, 32 coaches qualify for the seasonal playoffs ("Champion Cup"). The season will qualify the best team of each race + 8 "wild cards" for best ranked second best teams of each race.
  • If a coach qualified a top race team and a "wild card" team, the top race team is the one qualified by default. You can contact our admin team to qualify the other team(s), but if they haven't received any message by the end of the season, ticket will be sent to default first choice.
  • If a coach qualified more than one team as a top race team, the highest ranked team is qualified by default. You can contact our admin team to qualify the other team(s), but if they haven't received any message by the end of the season, ticket will be sent to default first choice.
  • The 32 coaches and their teams plays in a Knockout tournament with Cyans on the line (see below).
  • Blood Bowl fans love a good killer, sorry I mean winner! To prove it, the winner of the CCL knockout tournament can select one player from their new team in the next CCL season ladder to have the Fan Favourite skill.
    • The Fan Favourite skill must be applied before the team plays a game.
      The champion can only select one team and one player to receive the Fan Favourite skill (no restarts).
    • If the Fan Favourite player plays a minimum of 30 games in the season and survives, the champion can pick another player to have the Fan Favourite skill in the following season too.
    • If the champion does not take part in the next season, then the fans quickly forget about them. Use it or lose it!
This skill is described in LRB6 as follow:
Fan Favourite (Extraordinary)
The fans love seeing this player on the pitch so much that even the opposing fans cheer for your team. For each player with Fan Favourite on the pitch your team receives an additional +1 FAME modifier for any Kick-Off table results, but not for the Winnings roll.
Winning a Blood Bowl 2 official season will be the only way to get this skill.
  • 2800 Cyans are distributed in the Champion Cup, as follow:
    • 1st
      • 500 Cyans
      • Fans Favorite skill for the player on your choice
    • 2nd
      • 400 Cyans
    • 3rd & 4th
      • 300 Cyans
    • 5th to 8th
      • 200 Cyans
    • 9th to 16th
      • 100 Cyans
    • 17th to 32th
      • 50 Cyans
  • The teams and leaderboard reset every season.
  • Use of exploits will result in a ban. Please report the use of any exploits by PM to the admin team.
  • In-game griefing includes using non-game mechanisms (such as going AFK) to harass your opponent. It may result in a ban. Again, please report such exploits to the admin team.
  • To be absolutely clear, fouling is allowed at any time you are allowed to do so. So is stalling (i.e. clock management). These are not exploits, or considered unsportsmanlike in this league.
  • Kids play this game too, so bear that in mind when making your team. Your team may be ejected from the league if the team name and/or player names are considered offensive by the admin team and/or Focus/Cyanide.
  • The intent of CCL is to create an environment founded on the principles of fair play and sound community. To that end, should people be found to be going against either of these principles action may be taken against them. For guidelines as to how to behave:
    • Don't be toxic in-game. If it feels like what you are doing might be construed as going against the principles of fair play then ask an admin. Asking before acting will not lead to sanction, but acting before asking very probably will.
    • Don't be toxic out of the game. Having a laugh is fine, but doing so at someone else's expense is not even if you think they deserve it.
  • Admins are granted, and reserve, the right to sanction such behaviour in-game and/or to edit or delete posts they find to contravene the above and/or to mute, ban or kick (temporarily or permanently, from discord and/or the league) individuals who make such posts.
  • If you encounter what you judge to be bad behaviour in the chat, you can contact chaton[] directly on the official forum by private message. Please send a description of the issue and any screenshots (F12) or files which might help to understand the case. It doesn't necessarily mean that we'll act against the coach you reported, but we'll look into the issue.
The above list is subject to change, particularly between seasons.

The admin team consists of:
  • TheSpydyr
  • Geryon
The moderators can be contacted by private messages on the official forum[].

Focus Home Interactive & Cyanide Studio
Last edited by chaton; 3 Apr, 2019 @ 2:35am
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
dacamro 29 Jan, 2019 @ 6:49pm 
Hi, i am completely new in this game, i don’t know if i can still participate, or even how to do it... Can you advise me any link so i can learn how to participate and if i can, do it...??
NutteyButter 27 Feb, 2019 @ 10:12am 
Question about pausing my opp paused twice on me without a word or warning and I was wondering if there is a time limit for me to wait before I undo it. I normally waited 5 mins each time
T.N.Tobin 12 Apr, 2019 @ 11:05pm 
ojk so first off are you saying that if im the only one playing a human team (unlikly but lets just say for argument sake) that means I make the playoffs no matter how bad I do? becaus eit is one team of every race.... shouldnt it just be the best teams regardless of race.... secondly you name one thing that counts as concessions but you dont list anything else.... i dont want my team to get booted.....
RecoveryOne 24 Apr, 2019 @ 3:41am 
Hello, coach has been banned from the competition and only just found out about 5 concessions. Just wanted to know if the ban is lifted for the next season?
Dode 24 Apr, 2019 @ 9:41am 
Yes. Single season ban. Do it two seasons in a row and you get banned the next season too.
KerdonMike 16 Sep, 2019 @ 10:18am 
I just bought BB2 couple days ago. I have so far tried playing in the COL Open Ladder. I am / was trying and experimenting with how things work (races, team compositions, etc., there is a lot to learn), so naturally I conceded quite often to save time.

Now after few days, and seeing on Twitch someone mentioning new season of Champion Ladder starting, I decided do join Champion Ladder:

"Your coach has been banned from competition."

So, I started to look for explanation, and found also this thread.
Also I found somewhere discussed - Open Ladder does NOT have rules against conceding.

Please, developers, explain to me how am I already banned from Champion Ladder ?

1. No ingame rules, explanation, warning beforehand. Feel free to play, and find out you're banned later.
2. I did NOT (to my best knowledge, thanks to no info in client) break rules of Open Ladder, and can still play there.
3. How am I banned for breaking rules of Champion Ladder, which I haven't even joined before.
KerdonMike 17 Sep, 2019 @ 7:07am 
After contacting admins in discord, they have removed the ban, and I am able to play in Champion Ladder now.
梦止于此 12 Oct, 2019 @ 12:56am 
Hope to update Chinese translation Thank you
KarndMad 7 Jan, 2020 @ 7:48pm 
is there a minimum amount of games that need to be played? or if i see my team on top of ladder board i know i am in ( i heard something about 45 games)
Baraz 27 Jun, 2020 @ 11:31pm 
Originally posted by KarndMad:
is there a minimum amount of games that need to be played? or if i see my team on top of ladder board i know i am in ( i heard something about 45 games)
On Steam, this thread was last updated in 2019.
Therefore you should go instead on the official forum.
Here is the specific forum section for Champion Ladder (for PC).

You will also find on the official forum many player-driven leagues.
Last edited by Baraz; 27 Jun, 2020 @ 11:34pm
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