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Mod to punch jimbo
Can someone make a mod that lets me throw jimbo around and hurt him and he makes cries of pain when he pops up when I lose/win a run
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
MichaHil 29 Jan @ 4:24pm 
I think Jimbo is just an idea, a construct
I don't think he exists beyond the playing card he resides in
I wish you the best of luck though
Make this mod for me, boy
You can already angrily shake the blind, that's what I do when I need to stim.
i do think the insults when you lose are in poor taste.
Peanut 30 Jan @ 12:11am 
:jimbo: I am literally a fool, what's your excuse? :jimbo:
Originally posted by MichaHil:
I think Jimbo is just an idea, a construct

When you're mad at Jimbo you're mad at yourself
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 4:03pm
Posts: 6