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Please change how "must play 5 cards" works
By far the most annoying limitation imposed by a boss blind is "must play 5 cards". Not because of the limitation itself, which is just fine (and, in fact, one of the least limiting "limitations" of all), but what the game does if you try to play less than 5 cards: It simply says "not allowed" and discards those cards and you lose that hand.

The problem with this is that it's extremely easy to forget that said limitation was in place. It's very easy to forget to play 5 cards. And if you do forget, then your extraordinary hand, like 4-of-a-kind, is just wasted and you just lose it, which is one of the most annoying things that can happen in the entire game, simply because you forgot to add some random fifth card.

It would make much more sense if it said "not allowed" and that's it. It just doesn't allow you to play the hand. It stays there, selected, but you can't play it until you have added five cards. I don't think the challenge should be to remember that the limitation was in place.
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Showing 1-15 of 26 comments
malogoss 15 Jan @ 6:03pm

The possibility of playing 4 cards (or anything not 5 cards), even if they don't score, is a plus. Could the visuals be reworked? Maybe.
Last edited by malogoss; 15 Jan @ 6:13pm
noisyturtle 15 Jan @ 6:34pm 
That being one of the easiest blinds to beat, the possibility of player error is really the only challenge it has going for it
But you may want to play a non-five card hand against that boss though so you can draw more after you run out of discards or your hand size may be below five. I believe it used to require a double click to confirm you wanted to play your hand against that boss, but playtesters got confused and thought they were softlocked. At the very least, there is big text in the middle of the screen if your hand won't score.
Originally posted by RazzberryMocha:
At the very least, there is big text in the middle of the screen if your hand won't score.
Oh yeah, anyone who can't be bothered to read what it says on the screen deserves what happens next.
Originally posted by Warp:
It would make much more sense if it said "not allowed" and that's it. It just doesn't allow you to play the hand.
If you have less than 5 cards in your hand this would softlock the game, terrible idea
Nah, i think the real thing the creator should fix is actually making the 1/4 effect actually 1/4 :skull:
Originally posted by Vespertellino:
Originally posted by Warp:
It would make much more sense if it said "not allowed" and that's it. It just doesn't allow you to play the hand.
If you have less than 5 cards in your hand this would softlock the game, terrible idea

During the first demo, playing 4 cards against The Physic would actually display "not allowed" and you have to press Play Hand again to throw. But people complained about being softlocked (not) so it was changed to just a warning.
Warp 17 Jan @ 4:12am 
The solution to that problem is not to just throw the hand away without any confirmation. By the third time that you accidentally throw away a four-of-a-kind that would have won the round, it becomes extraordinarily aggravating.
Worst boss blind is always going to be the one that limits the type of poker hand you can play consecutively.
sxhell 17 Jan @ 11:55am 
skill issue
Cinemax 17 Jan @ 2:48pm 
You can do it intentionally to trigger the boss blind for $8 with the appropriate joker. That's why it's 'allowed' to play disallowed hands.
They should add a 'careless idiot' toggle in the settings that requires a confirm before selling a joker, playing a nonscoring hand and anything else which could accidentally ruin your hand.

I would always use it.
CyberPug 24 Jan @ 10:42am 
I've spent the entire run with a build centered around using only 4 cards. Get to this boss and with force of habit lost 2 hands due to this BS. I get the restriction and the advantage of ditching some cards if need be but why not have a confirmation before they let you throw the hand away rather than the text that just become background noise while you're playing.

It's just a huge troll hoping you'll make that mistake which should not be part of the challenge of the game this is just poor UX design.
Originally posted by CyberPug:
I've spent the entire run with a build centered around using only 4 cards. Get to this boss and with force of habit lost 2 hands due to this BS. I get the restriction and the advantage of ditching some cards if need be but why not have a confirmation before they let you throw the hand away rather than the text that just become background noise while you're playing.

It's just a huge troll hoping you'll make that mistake which should not be part of the challenge of the game this is just poor UX design.
The boss used to have a confirm button, but multiple playtesters reported that they thought they were softlocked or the game or was bugged, as suddenly changing the controls for playing a hand with little explanation will do that.
Even with the ability being telegraphed both during the entire ante and while you're selecting cards, I can see someone making a mistake and playing less than 5. If you had the prior information, already played a failed hand, then do it again, there's no one to blame besides yourself.
AnonTwo 24 Jan @ 11:15am 
The limitation has to exist as is. It is one of the boss counters to steel deck.

The problem with steel deck is it hardly matters what is in the hand depending on your setup. If it just debuffed the hand people would just use a boosted high card to force it.
Last edited by AnonTwo; 24 Jan @ 11:16am
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Date Posted: 15 Jan @ 5:57pm
Posts: 26