The Banner Saga

The Banner Saga

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Grimbot 14 Jan, 2014 @ 8:19pm
Console Error "Cannot Initialize Banner Saga"
The first time I start the game, it crashes. If I try again, I get big red letters saying "Console Error" folowed by "Cannot Initialize Banner Saga" and the suggestion to try:

1. Restart Steam
2. Reinstall the Banner Saga
3. Reinstall Steam

I have now done all three of those (and, based on guesswork related to some Counterstrike posts from 2010, also updated my Flash player. But still I can't play the game. Harumph!
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strange_carrots 14 Jan, 2014 @ 11:04pm 
Hi please email

Our bugthread is also pinned up front.
Grimbot 15 Jan, 2014 @ 6:27pm 
I was able to "fix" the problem by swapping to PC via Boot Camp and installing the game there. Since I'm a few hours in, I guess that's where it'll stay. Thanks for the tip, though.
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