Backpack Battles

Backpack Battles

the ultimate goo
have you ever actually made the full goobert combo
was it worth it
think the most gooberts i have ever seen in a run was 3, so the full goo combo, especially considering the space it would need before they combine
it seems prohibitively expensive to try for, even if some goos are very nice
sad there arnt any intermediary goos between the upgrades and the ultimate
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Bumc 28 Jan @ 9:38am 
Rainbow goobert is auto-win unless you do something really dumb with it, but actually assembling it requires you already more or less winning without it.
i did it
i got a full goo
forgot slime time was a thing
Bleydoka 31 Jan @ 10:23am 
I tried to force the rainbow goo for several games. I gave up until one game i got early 2 cheap slimes and i aquired the hero sword and 2 mushrooms already. Got a 3rd one offered with the lightsaber sword. Forced the 4th slime with blood amulett.
Last edited by Bleydoka; 31 Jan @ 10:45am
esh 6 Feb @ 3:19am 
I got it once with Slime Time and a lot of luck. I was on my last heart with all the goobs ready to combine and managed to make it through, and the rest of the run went as you'd expect after that. It's definitely not something you normally pursue unless everything just happens to come together and you have the potential lives to spare a few rounds while your board is all cluttered up with the goobs themselves.
Tristin 6 Feb @ 5:22am 
Contrast to when Slime Time weren't a thing, it is whole lot easier. You just need to have well-planned build and placement, to activate gooberts to survive.
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