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Yes, I know English, but why do I have to play the game in English when I can play it in my own language? Since there is already no voice acting, how difficult can it be to translate only the texts and interface into local languages? The lack of languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Italian, Polish and Arabic in the game really does a great harm to the audience that the game can reach. I ask, will the localisation process by adding these languages to the game be more costly or rejecting potential new players?

PS:We can now translate such texts much more easily with AI, so the costs are quite low.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
1. Amazon has banned access to the game for Russia and Ukraine
2. Since the first day of the game's release, it has had a user translation in languages ​​that are not officially available
3. the game has failed, and the developer will not be able to afford the costs of translating additional languages
Bad Wolf 31 Jan @ 4:25am 
If we look at the New World example, I don't think Amazon will easily cut support from its own games. With future updates, the game will have a more stable flow and a more compact structure. I think one of the biggest methods of marketing the game here is to add different languages to the game. As I mentioned in my article, I don't think this will be very costly because Amazon stands behind it with a huge amount of money.
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
Yes, I know English, but why do I have to play the game in English when I can play it in my own language? Since there is already no voice acting, how difficult can it be to translate only the texts and interface into local languages? The lack of languages such as Russian, Ukrainian, Turkish, Italian, Polish and Arabic in the game really does a great harm to the audience that the game can reach. I ask, will the localisation process by adding these languages to the game be more costly or rejecting potential new players?

PS:We can now translate such texts much more easily with AI, so the costs are quite low.
because english is the easiest language and it's a waste of dev resources to translate everyone's language. It isn't just copy paste, and they already translated from Korean.
By all means, you can apply for that job maybe who knows perhaps they will hire you
Last edited by Sugamotomagazaki; 4 Feb @ 3:58pm
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
If we look at the New World example, I don't think Amazon will easily cut support from its own games. With future updates, the game will have a more stable flow and a more compact structure. I think one of the biggest methods of marketing the game here is to add different languages to the game. As I mentioned in my article, I don't think this will be very costly because Amazon stands behind it with a huge amount of money.
TL is not owned by Amazon, they are only a third party as a publisher
The game is fully owned by NCSoft
Kingdom come 2 is out and contains 2.2 million words. And the game has TURKISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, POLISH language support. I don't accept any excuse after this minute. If this is not done, players from this segment should boycott the game.
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
Kingdom come 2 is out and contains 2.2 million words. And the game has TURKISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, POLISH language support. I don't accept any excuse after this minute. If this is not done, players from this segment should boycott the game.
ok play KC2 then :)
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
Kingdom come 2 is out and contains 2.2 million words. And the game has TURKISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, POLISH language support. I don't accept any excuse after this minute. If this is not done, players from this segment should boycott the game.
314 hours and the biggest issue you have is a language? that is seriously the thing that is troubling you?
Originally posted by StarlightAsh♡:
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
Kingdom come 2 is out and contains 2.2 million words. And the game has TURKISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, POLISH language support. I don't accept any excuse after this minute. If this is not done, players from this segment should boycott the game.
314 hours and the biggest issue you have is a language? that is seriously the thing that is troubling you?

Excatly. Is there any problem to play this game into my MAIN language ?
Originally posted by Sugamotomagazaki:
Originally posted by Bad Wolf:
Kingdom come 2 is out and contains 2.2 million words. And the game has TURKISH, ITALIAN, RUSSIAN, UKRAINIAN, POLISH language support. I don't accept any excuse after this minute. If this is not done, players from this segment should boycott the game.
ok play KC2 then :)

Don’t worry, i will.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 2:38pm
Posts: 9