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Why is game only 25k players?
Back then when i played it was 100k
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Showing 1-15 of 111 comments
Hard question to answer definitively because there is a potential different opinion and reasoning for each player.
people quitting, people taking a break until new content, people having things to do outside of gaming, the normal stuff
Amy ✧ 29 Jan @ 4:26pm 
Originally posted by prototype81:
Hard question to answer definitively because there is a potential different opinion and reasoning for each player.
For me it felt like a chore and like i had to apply for a job in order to play with a group of people.
trash pay to win game with mobile controls
Last edited by 무궁화; 29 Jan @ 5:03pm
players start having problems logging into the game, and when the online drops, players who still want to play are not allowed in!))) lol
Surge44 29 Jan @ 5:20pm 
they need to rework the monetization for the west version and the guild gate keeping. I think the player would come back, also if we could get the DLC from the Korean version soon not in a million years... NCsoon
Originally posted by Surge44:
they need to rework the monetization for the west version and the guild gate keeping. I think the player would come back, also if we could get the DLC from the Korean version soon not in a million years... NCsoon
war bosses will be changed to gvg soon, next part of the map and a lot of other things coming on the 6th of march
because the game is garbage
There are more than what you see on steam, since it's cross platform with XBox.
Axitrex 29 Jan @ 7:29pm 
because you cant region transfer from east coast US to west coast US.
the game is very punishing for players that want to focus on one character.
your limited to 2 characters per region.
the game is a boring grind for gear that you just end up tossing up on the AH for a few units of currency, because the way they planned out most gear bonus's makes very select ones desirable, and all others moot to collect/junk.
the game has annoying, unskippable dialogs from characters/event npc's that your forced to listen too, a few times over because the devs could not figure out how to add more dialog.
the story has little to no impact on your character, and you dont get attached to any characters you meet to actually care about the story.

the only thing it kinda has going is the combat numbers are satisfying to look at as you push buttons. otherwise, its basically the same rotation/abilities used, and no need for situational skills, since dps > mechanics.

overall, i would say i have more fun doom scrolling youtube shorts then investing in this game.

realistically a 4/10 game, advertised as a 9/10 game.

also the pvp is mostly zerg-fest with people who dont understand mechanics for some events.

just to list a few reasons. there are plenty more, but i dont want to write a book.
it's not only 25k players. That only counts those on steam. This game is on PS and Xbox as well.
#Toxic #Community
Offence 29 Jan @ 10:59pm 
Originally posted by Amy:
Back then when i played it was 100k

Game is officially dead , actually it died after they released the rune patch but now you can clearly see the numbers.
Agemos 29 Jan @ 11:05pm 
A tab target, rng heavy, p2w mmo with an emphasis on pvp released in 2024 didn't manage to hold on to a huge fallowing? who could have seen that coming.
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