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An expansion already?!
Man, after playing WoW for 10 years where expansions and new content came once every 2 to 3 years, Feb 30th is pretty dang good for a new chunk of content! Thank you for all the hard work! cheers!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
I feel like it should've been sooner, game has been losing 40% of it's players every month since the game came out.
Originally posted by Chocolate:
I feel like it should've been sooner, game has been losing 40% of it's players every month since the game came out.
Excretious 30 Jan @ 11:05am 
Originally posted by Chocolate:
I feel like it should've been sooner, game has been losing 40% of it's players every month since the game came out.

Private profile. Doesn't want you to see that he still logs in everyday to get his lunar rewards and such.
Originally posted by cosmicsmasher:
Originally posted by Chocolate:
I feel like it should've been sooner, game has been losing 40% of it's players every month since the game came out.
Flaak 30 Jan @ 5:18pm 
The game was doing really well with updates and fresh stuff till december. Then it was just some events. I put 600 hours in and maybe I shouldve slowed down and spread that over this month. But man I have 0 motivation to log in right now. I was really into the game but idk 2 weeks ago I got the flu and I havnt wanted to log in since. I could see if you had a nice guild but my first guild fell apart and I was having a good time with alot of people but it got ruined by bad leadership.

I think if they added something fun to do such as 16v16 real ranked pvp games like arathi basin and warsong gulch the game would be top notch and flow till this next update is released. But gotta say right now it is STALE.

With that said, I cant say anything bad about the game at this point. Can improve though.
Last edited by Flaak; 30 Jan @ 5:19pm
Originally posted by Flaak:
The game was doing really well with updates and fresh stuff till december. Then it was just some events. I put 600 hours in and maybe I shouldve slowed down and spread that over this month. But man I have 0 motivation to log in right now. I was really into the game but idk 2 weeks ago I got the flu and I havnt wanted to log in since. I could see if you had a nice guild but my first guild fell apart and I was having a good time with alot of people but it got ruined by bad leadership.

I think if they added something fun to do such as 16v16 real ranked pvp games like arathi basin and warsong gulch the game would be top notch and flow till this next update is released. But gotta say right now it is STALE.

With that said, I cant say anything bad about the game at this point. Can improve though.

Burn out is a thing and to really enjoy some games, pacing yourself is the way to go. I play a little bit every day and am absolutely loving it! And unlike, WoW, I don't "feel" like I'm getting left behind. But then again, I don't' PvP, so there is that. Anyway, cheers and no judgment if you show back up for the free expansion!
Jacan 30 Jan @ 8:52pm 
Originally posted by deepgreenbear:
Originally posted by Flaak:
The game was doing really well with updates and fresh stuff till december. Then it was just some events. I put 600 hours in and maybe I shouldve slowed down and spread that over this month. But man I have 0 motivation to log in right now. I was really into the game but idk 2 weeks ago I got the flu and I havnt wanted to log in since. I could see if you had a nice guild but my first guild fell apart and I was having a good time with alot of people but it got ruined by bad leadership.

I think if they added something fun to do such as 16v16 real ranked pvp games like arathi basin and warsong gulch the game would be top notch and flow till this next update is released. But gotta say right now it is STALE.

With that said, I cant say anything bad about the game at this point. Can improve though.

Burn out is a thing and to really enjoy some games, pacing yourself is the way to go. I play a little bit every day and am absolutely loving it! And unlike, WoW, I don't "feel" like I'm getting left behind. But then again, I don't' PvP, so there is that. Anyway, cheers and no judgment if you show back up for the free expansion!

100%, the burn out is the fault of the player, not the game.
Flaak 31 Jan @ 12:48pm 
Originally posted by Jacan:
Originally posted by deepgreenbear:

Burn out is a thing and to really enjoy some games, pacing yourself is the way to go. I play a little bit every day and am absolutely loving it! And unlike, WoW, I don't "feel" like I'm getting left behind. But then again, I don't' PvP, so there is that. Anyway, cheers and no judgment if you show back up for the free expansion!

100%, the burn out is the fault of the player, not the game.
I definitely can say some of its my fault. But I think they couldve spaced out how quickly the world opened up better. It happened so quick and we had all 4 open world dungeons and the 1 star/2 star dungeons.

We couldve slowly progressed into things opening up spaced out better. Instead right now game is pretty much nothing new for 2 months until next expansion.

You have to remember the game was in korea first and were just getting updates fast because they already had all this content. I think they rushed the game updates to try to catch us up when they really shouldve just gave us alot more to do before we catch up..instead of plowing through content.

If stuff was spaced out more then using our points wouldve seemed more purposeful new content is constantly coming out.

You will see what I mean if you look at the update history. The first two saw months saw much much more content release then DEC and JAN.

And lastly, this game needs FUN repetitive content. 2v2 arena isnt it. We need real battlegrounds like wow.

And stuff like the weekly tower dungeons can be better. Make hard is it to make a new boss and some new rewards. Instead its the same 4 or 5 over and over and we already got all the emotes.

But yes I do have 600 hours and like I said have nothing bad to say about T&L. They have been one of the best mmos to come out in many years.
Originally posted by cosmicsmasher:
Originally posted by Chocolate:
I feel like it should've been sooner, game has been losing 40% of it's players every month since the game came out.
#true its a dead game
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 4:17am
Posts: 9