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Sorry for caps but super frustrated.

I seriously have not had an upgrade to any of my runes in over two weeks. I am in my mid 40s

Every drop has been at same level as what I have equipped.

This with getting my 150 weekly, tier 5-6 dungeons, and dissolving and crafting. Not to mention compensation runes from that debacle last week. Definitely putting the work in!!

Just really bad RNG or are the drop rates insanely low?

This feels super disrespectful of our time!
Last edited by Excretious; 30 Jan @ 6:28am
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Boink 30 Jan @ 7:50am 
Remember, the 20s, 30s, and 40s are different rune sets, so if you open your 150 BLUES ( I assume the maintenance rewards), it can land into the 20s and 30s, which is bad. The best way to open them when most of your target runes are at 40.

If we base also common and uncommon frequency with events and world bosses. Saving blues from transmutation or giveaways are the best choice.

150 weekly are also not guaranteed blues. The best way is via RNG OR nosebleed Tier 5+ dimension.

Not really disrespectful given you got 10 chaos runes per week for 3 weeks, which is a "better" rune granted RNG of course. So that significantly lower the amount of runes you need granted RNG of course.
Not quite there yet but almost maxxed on green but yea I see what you're saying.

Chaos runes have only been out a week and that shouldn't even be considered as an offset for a bad system.

I try to do 4) tier 5+ runs a night. You all know how long it takes to knock out Tier 5+ with randoms.... sometimes it goes quick, sometimes it takes you 2 hours to complete once. At the end of the night, after all was said and done I found I had 3 mana cost efficiency bracelet runes, ALL LVL 41.... THAT SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! This is happening for (what seems like) all my runes, they seem to not be leveling. I play 3-4 hours a night EVERY NIGHT. Again, completely disrespectful of my time.

I am slowly amassing a friends list with like minded people who like the grind to at least make that part go faster.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:25am
Posts: 3