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<Codexミ> NA East/Karnix aka Snowburn/PVX /Recruiting all
Server: NA East, Karnix soon to be Snowburn

Guild Focus: PVX, End Game Intentions, Talandre prep

Looking for: Any and all are welcome, just please keep it 18+

Timezone: US EST

Guild Raid Schedule: Saturdays 9:30pm EST

Platform: Any

About Us:
We are an adult community, focused on helping our members progress. Codexミ was created by experienced MMO players that used to be Hardcore, but now we have Casual amounts of time to play. We tend to lean on the saying "Quality over Quantity", meaning we would rather run with 20 decent, like minded players that we know, then 200+ people we don't know and refuse to listen and learn.

We have had chapters in WoW, GW2, Minecraft, LoL, FFXIV, New World, Archage, Rift, SWTOR, and BDO ect. I am probably missing a few titles but you get the idea. We are a very diverse, yet experienced group of players. The core of us have been playing together on and off since 2012.

We are a very easy going bunch, but when the time comes, we get down and dirty. We are a 18+ mature guild (in age only). We don't care what class you play or how you plan to play it, just be effective with it. We use Discord to keep our members connected and informed. We are looking for like minded players to bolster our ranks in all areas. We range from the casual to the hardcore in playstyle. Our membership hails from all over the globe, but the majority lives in North America, so our peak times range from 5pm EST to 2am EST. The only requirements we have is to use Discord while playing in groups (mic optional), participate in the guild events as much as you can and have fun.

Codexミ is a casual friendly guild. Meaning we exist somewhere underneath Hardcore all the way down to Casual. We aren't casual because of the ambitions we have. We aren't hardcore because of our scheduling and light approach to builds and our expectations on people is a lot lighter than hardcore guilds. Plus we are going to be a lot nicer about screw ups.

Our intentions will be to get into, and be successful at, end game progression, for the entire guild. That will include 1 and 2 star dungeons, Trials, World Bosses and Guild Bosses. We will also like to run the guild events often, which can range from dynamic events to scheduled guild raids. Overall we want to be involved in all aspects of the game, progressing everyone through the end game, boosting the guild ranks and having a blast while doing it. Eventually, when the guild rank permits (being high enough to be chosen), we want to make claims on some stones.

We do not intend to attempt a claim on the throne, at this point in time. However, we want to be a known factor in the siege and tax delivery.

While some people have more time than others, we understand that real life happens. We do expect you to at least be online once every 7 days. Anyone offline 10 days+ without prior notice will be kicked to make room in the guild (if needed), however you will remain in the discord so if you come back you can be added back again, if there is room.

Looking for
Like minded, chill folks of any playstyle. Casual to Hardcore and all that falls in between. People that are ok with starting out with a smaller community and helping build it to a relevant factor in game, without all the drama and chaos. We would rather play with 20, no drama, like minded friends, than zerg around with 200 unknowns.

we do not expect everyone to be online for a 1pm EST world boss, nor will we complain about people not being there

Be 18+ years of age
Be online at least once every 7 days
Discord required, Mic is optional

No DKP system
Your drop, your decision
(item will drop to the guild, the person it dropped for makes the decision on where it goes: self, other member or AH)

If you have any questions please feel free to DM me on discord Madi#3262

Or join our discord at:

Join the steamgroup:

Last edited by Madisyn; 30 Jan @ 11:42am
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
xTYRANTx 15 Jan @ 8:42pm 
What's up with so many people requiring discord all of a sudden? It's enough that you spend so much time in game but like it is not enough you have to be glued to mic also while playing. Damn.
Epoch 21 Jan @ 9:01pm 
I used to play on that server. Quit because of the overwhelming toxicity. :3
LilPoBoy 10 Feb @ 10:14am 
you guys arent competitive enought, weather owns you all
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
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Date Posted: 14 Jan @ 7:23pm
Posts: 3