Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy

Living With Sister: Monochrome Fantasy

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Bug Reports
This thread will be for bug reports. Please post a screenshot and a description of any bugs you may find in the game, and we will fix them as soon as possible.

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lots of bugs in the game
1. My sister's clothes are piled up with her school clothes
2. The option to do dirty things doesn't appear in English
3. Many CGs do not appear during training
4. Your sister's mood doesn't improve and is just monotonous under normal circumstances
5. The option of bathing together does not appear, even though trust is already 200 :steamthumbsdown:
the cooking skill is marked as learned at the start, and doesnt show the cost
Messaggio originale di ryodanz19:
lots of bugs in the game
1. My sister's clothes are piled up with her school clothes
2. The option to do dirty things doesn't appear in English
3. Many CGs do not appear during training
4. Your sister's mood doesn't improve and is just monotonous under normal circumstances
5. The option of bathing together does not appear, even though trust is already 200 :steamthumbsdown:

You need to apply the 18+ patch from Kagura's site.
Messaggio originale di Mk:
the cooking skill is marked as learned at the start, and doesnt show the cost
If you choose right option at start you will default learned some skills
Dunno if it is bug or not:
F12 to restart the game (Game default)
F12 to screen cap (Steam default)
When enabling full screen, game's resolution doesn't scale, and I get pixelated mess instead of a clean picture. Any way to resolve it? It wasn't an issue on DLSite version..
Patch applied
as mentioned in another thread here ( i was not able to absolve the "prepare a plan" event. Solutions which were named there didnt help - also tried other options like deinstalling, more stats training, other quests and so on.
Only installing the rated 18+ patch from your website was helping, so the event, that the sister appears after a quest at the tavern triggers.
I'm also able to play further after deinstalling and deleting the patch content (only the "Lust" writing is still there at the top - but there's no 18+ content for people who might just wanna play the normal steamgame).
I can provide my gameplay which i am playing on YouTube if it helps, feel free to let me know if i should post it here or send it via discord, dont wanna advertise my stuff, but i havent seen any screenshots or other data of this bug yet.
Ultima modifica da Ab's Pure Gameplay; 24 mar, ore 10:01
censored ver.
I think there's a bug that caused some skills hint to not unlock, especially from Kasumi's events

uncensored ver.
69 position not properly loop after either sister/brother after-climax
All data is from English version. Roughly 5 Hard attempts, always having picked Family Home and Stability at game start. I have reinstalled the game twice and gotten the same results. Someone's mentioned an 18+ patch helping things, so I guess I'll try that next.

--Free day housework consumes no time if done first.
--Free day usually cuts off at 1700, but if Housework ends at or after that hour, the day does not cut off until the next activity ends.
--Eating at 0 money does not appear to be any different than eating at ~500 money.
--Defense training features a tavern exterior, a forest, then a black screen for much of its duration, unlike Attack training. I suspect a scene is missing.
--"Prepare a plan" event goes unannounced at the guild, despite similar game-ending events (like exhibition matches) being announced. It's such an important event that I suspect that a cutscene has been lost, but I don't know for sure.
--"Prepare a plan" event does not progress even after buying Chef skill.
--When the skill menu first becomes available, Chef skill description states that the skill is unlocked already. However, the button is greyed out just like unbought skills. Click-and-hold behaves just like buying a skill (rendering the button text black and deducting skill points). Unable to verify if this changes meal success rate.
--Even before buying Chef skill, cooking success rate appears to be about 90%. This is such a high rate that I suspect that something is wrong here.
--After taking a bath, "You recovered some energy by taking a bath" message lingers until you choose a job the next day.
--Stat-up numbers appear one box left of where they should, i.e. Skill points appear at Int, Int appears at Det, etc.
--Coffee appears to do nothing.
--Black tea appears to give 5 energy and no mood, despite the game stating that sis likes black tea more. Not sure what reason there is to use it over green tea, which gives 10 and is cheaper.
Time of Abstinence fails on the next day no matter what, patch applied
Too bad there's no wiki for this game
From the kagura version and the 1.04 patch

W10 machine, integrated graphics

After a point the game reads a click command and frozen in place, windowed mode, switching the play options around

I believed it was from the version or a wild loop, but seems to persist in a clean save with 1.04

V sister, doing lewd stuff all around, maybe is a weird event call
downloaded the uncen patch and worked fine on first save file but subsequent playthroughs get stuck at day 33 farmer ending
I have multiple saves and so far I haven't notice the energy recovery from the Lunchbox Lifestyle. It's always +20 energy with sister cooking regardless. How much are you suppose to recover from that lifestyle?!
climax count doesn't increase after anal during shower as the scene shows that sister did climax.
This is very important to fix because it makes the outcome of all battles a set given from the start due the lack of effect from multipliers.

The tutorial says that the point of the line with the 1.00x / 1.25x during battle is that it affects your damage multiplier. Based on thorough testing with multiple people around April 10th, it does not affect your damage in any forseeable way.

The translation may be bugged, and also has one user said, "there's an issue with how rewards are calculated (so you get less money for doing more work), so seems more likely someone screwed up the modifier calculation for damage in battle."

Fo for context, this issue was further elaborated on in this thread:
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